All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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by Guest- 8 replies
hi everyone havnt been on here for a while, after a year or so of bad times (ex splitting up with me and before that him being depressed) my personal life is finally picking up and im much happier, why is it then that my work life is going from bad to worse?! we are way overdue or ofsted inspection and our manager is becoming more and more anxious about this, and i seem to be at the brunt of this anxiety. from my experience every inspector is diferent and what one inspector says or looks for can be completely different from another. one of our other centres has just been insepcted (part of a chain) and obvioulsy im now being pulled up on things i do. i ru…
- 2 replies
i have recently found my way onto an ofsted site that offers a wide variety of books or publications most of which are free - these include letters and sounds (free dvd too ) what to do if worry child is being abused, mark making in all areas ( young children making meaning in all areas of learning and development) as well as many others . went through the ofsted online publications site - hope its a help to someone - although you may have heard of it before.
Display Boards
by Guest- 10 replies
just wondering if any one has tips for a display check list or an example? my staff seem stuck on doing always doing templates with the children and not leting them epress them selves
- 29 replies
HI All I know we are seemingly buried underneath a mountain of policies/procedure/risk assessments but wonder if anyone has a specific risk assessment relating to fire?? We have a fire policy and procedure and a record book of all fire drills carried out. We were visited by the fire officer today and he was NOT a happy chappy at all 'Failed' was the word he repeatedly used :wacko: and he has given us 6 months to rectify things We were criticised (very heavily!) for not having a specific risk assessment relating to fire and for not having signed documents by all staff to say they have been informed/shown and understand about the risk of fires and how to evacuate …
- 6 replies
Hello there everyone, Well first of all I hope I have posted this in the right place, I have searched this issue and I just think I need a good moan Its also the first time I have posted a topic lol so apologies if I cock it up. We have a biter in my baby room and today they bit 3 children, 1 of them has been bitten 3 times this week already and I think mam has had enough-which you would. Anyway we record everything, all parties responses, maintain confidentiality do everything by the book, problem is the child is only 19months and we have tried to search strategies to use but they all seem to be for older children! Anyone with any other tips I would appreciat…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11371, -
New Setting
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi Guys I am planning on tendering for a new nursery and just wondering if anyone had done this before? And could give me a few tips on how to and how not to go about this? I also have to give questionnaires out to the local community/work places to see if there is a need for this nursery any help with the questions would be much appreciated . Many Thanks Noodles
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
What Do You Do?
by Guest- 10 replies
do any of you do individual daily diaries for each child each session? we are only open for 2 1/2 hours (soon to be 2 3/4) per session and with every thing else we do i don't feel it's necessary to do these, but after sending out questionaires for parents with comments box had a mother say that she feels her 4 year old doesn't tell her what he does and she suggests that we do this, (she has friends who's children attend the local nursery that is open for longer and charges double our fees) i am going to have a chat with her about the learning journals and the fact that if she didn't turn up late every session ( i won't say that!!!) she may have time to read the wipe boar…
Register Time
by Guest- 5 replies
Obviously you have to take a register, but I would like to do the sitting in the register corner, calling out the names etc only for our funded session in the morning but just tick the names off myself during free play when they are joined by the 2 year olds after lunch as the register session can be quite stressful and so disruptive to their lovely play.. We are in debate about whether or not this is ok?
Letters And Sounds
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi Guys, I was hoping that someone could give me a quick overview of what this is about and how it works. many thanks Salsa
- 5 replies
Our nursery were recently observed by an advisory teacher who suggested that there should be a 80% / 20% split between child initiated and adult initiated activities and this included directing children to the toilet, washing hands etc as well as small group phonic type acxtivities, using the ICT suite and having access to the hall for PE type activities (using school facilities and equipment.) The EYFS does state a balance or did I misread ? After a recent visit from our SIP (School Improvement Partner) he also advised this split. This weeks TES had an article discussing this issue where it said the confusion had arisen from the observation of children as evide…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,