All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Display Board
by Guest- 3 replies
hi everyone I am looking for ideas for an empty display board. The display board is in our CLLD section of the nursery so was thinking of maybe turning it into the interactive nursery rhyme display board and change the rhyme every now and then to relate to any topics that we do, wot do you think? i would really appreciate any ideas on this thanks kate
Early Years Coordinator
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi again I am just about to start a job as an early years coordinator in a private nursery after giving up my manager role. is anyone in a role the same or similar that cane advise me what they do in theor role and any pointers please killowengirl
Graduate Leader Fund
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi everyone, this is my first post on the site!! Im hoping someone can shed some light on the goes... I gained my EYPS in july last year and at the time was a nursery nurse in my setting. My setting knew that once i had it, i wasnt necesarily gonna hang around on the rubbish wage i was on (!!!) so there was talk of a new role - the graduate leader for the setting. My new role began in august, along with a good payrise, in time for the EYFS. The setting was under the impression that once the funding was under way, this would be used to supplement my wage (they thought that 50% had to be used for this). 5months on, after endless funding forms and providing r…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20436, -
Disinterested Committee
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi, We are in a portacabin on school grounds but we have been told that when the planning permission runs out in 2013 it will not be renewed , and hence the portacabin has to go. Although the committee know that we need to have a new building, they just do not seem to see the urgency of fund raising for this new building. I have tried telling them that 4 years will soon pass , and then what will happen, but no joy so far. Although i am classed as Playleader/manager my job description does not include doing committee work for them. has anybody any ideas on how to get this message across and get them moving without me having to do it for them. All sugges…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Writing Styles
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, When you help children to start to form letters, do you use cursive or non cursive letters at your setting?? Thanks Laura
- 46 replies
Today (whilst I was out on a course) a child was dropped off at nursery by a relative other than the parent with a message from the parent to say that they didn't want their child to be allowed outside during the session, with little explantation as to why. The child was very upset when he was not allowed outside and subsequently his behaviour deteriorated. This is the first time that we have had to deal with this request. I wondered how others have dealt with this in their settings. The head has suggested that the parent will need to put this request in writing. My concern is that the child is not being offered the whole curriculum according to the EYFS. And that the ma…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 12 replies
Hi all What is the maximum amount of hours you can open under sessional care? We have the 15 hour entitlement. At present we are open 3 hrs per day, and full. We have quite a few funded children wanting more sessions but can t fit them in. I was toying with the idea with opening an extra hour per day, to allow them to be able to gain their extra entitlement that way. Thanks all Sharon
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Credit Crunch
by Guest- 15 replies
Just wondering if any of you have noticed numbers dropping due to the credit crunch, children doing less sessions, children not attending whilst mum on maternity leave, children leaving due to a parent losing their job etc?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 6 replies
This week i will be looking at changing a Eyfs display board and would like to hear your ideas of what parents would find useful? like? etc. At the moment i have large flowers and each one represents the continuous provision areas such as Book corner, construction area etc. On each petal i have a learning outcome and pictures of the children playing in this area. Although this display has been really effective i would like some more inspiration pleaseeeee??? The title of the display will still be- Enabling environments!!! I also would be interested to hear other Eyfs display ideas?? Bubbles x
- 20 replies
Hi All, I currenly go thru 1000's of handtowels every month. Children LOVE pulling 3 or 4 towels at a time to dry their hands. Wondered if anyone had any good replacement ideas?? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414,