All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Eal Children
by Guest- 4 replies
Can any one help me, we have quite alot of EAL children at the moment and our biggest problem is that they don't start until they get their grants. Most have only just arrived from India the week before they start. We then have them for 4/5 months and then the parents take them back to India for an extended holiday. usually anything from a month to 6 to 8 weeks. During that time we have to adjust all our funding because our LA won't pay for that length of time. They often don't give us much notice and they won't pay to keep the place open. We tell them we can't guarantee a place and we don't even try to keep it for them, but I loose out on Funding, just when I think I'v…
- 17 replies
Hi guys, I work in a 'pack-away' pre-school, where we have to set up and put away each session. We tend to put a selection of stuff out, such as 4/5 jigsaws on a table, ride-ons, home corner, climbing frame, round-about,playdough, farm. As well as having a set of pull-out drawers containing such things as paper, crayons, dolls house equipment, animals, fuzzy-felt and other table-top stuff that the children can help themselves to and play/work with. We have been told that by putting out equipment for the children we are not allowing them to self select. I think it would be impracticle to have all the equipment out at the same time and due to limited space we have…
Fire Drill
by Guest- 4 replies
something interesting came up when we were practising our fire drill today, we have all got a role to play as staff and i was explaining the roles to the children once all outside and reassured and accounted for by the register, i held the phone to my ear and said who would i need to phone if there was a real fire in the building, 2 out of 13 said a fire man then i asked what number i needed to call to speak to the fireman not one child answered (most of them were 3 plus)it may have been that some knew but didn't want to call out but i made a note of my findings on the daily board for the parents and i am going to ask the children again soon if they know who to call! this…
Early Years Capital Grant
by Guest- 6 replies
Has anyone had any funding from their local authority for this grant for 08/09?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Business Plan And Feasability Study
by Guest- 1 reply
Where would you start with having to prepare this for finance with current climate? Is there any good links anywhere that have been used by nursery owners? It is for a full day care facility
Bonfire Night Food...
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello! I'm wanting to do some cooking/food preparation with my Nursery children, but I can't find any recipies suitable! I wanted to do something Autumy/Bonfire nighty... but the only thing that springs to mind is toffee, and i'd like to be a bit healthier than that! Another issue is that we don't have a cooker... we've got a microwave, a hot water boiler... and a fridge. Oh, and a toaster! Does anyone have any ideas of what we can cook? xx
- 3 replies
thinking of buying a couple of these - not sure of price yet as you have to email size to find out and haven't measured it yet. they are meant to absorb water so you put them under the water tray and don't end up with the usual swimming pool on the floor! you can also put them under the sand tray - not sure but think it stops the sand from spreading all over the floor. has anyone used them? thanks, A
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 11 replies
We have several children who bring packed lunches to Preschool and on the whole they are healthy - we do get the odd mars bar or chocolate pudding, but we say if the children eat the healthy stuff first then they can have the not-so healthy stuff, rather than filling up on this first or eating it later in the day on its own - its better that they eat the sweet stuff with other foods to balance it out. Anyway - that's another issue! What I'm looking for is a sheet we can give parents with suggestions for a healthy lunchbox. At the moment this is verbal when children first register, but we think it might be good practice to have this sort of sheet to give out. D…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Art Area
by Guest- 7 replies
feel the need to give my art area a bit of a spruce up - thinking about the reggio type approach to making this area aesthetically beautiful and inspiring - but feeling uninspired myself! ours is quite a large area with two tables and two easels. art resources are freely available in labelled containers on open shelves. the display boards are quite high up and there is virtually no wall space surrouning the area so am struggling to find ways to display works of art, mirrors etc for children to look at. does anyone have photos of art areas they are particularly proud of or maybe ideas to enhance this area?
Smartboard Help?
by Guest- 8 replies
Our nursery has lately had a smart board installed but it is too high up for the children to use on their own. I was wondering if any one had any ideas on companies which may do cheap platforms for smart board use? many thanks