All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 6 replies
Hi Another question related to SEF and results of parent questionnaire. How do you keep parents involved in their childs learning and updating their files. We have recently given out the files to parents to fill in all about me sections and it was a nightemare trying to get them all back! We also do a home-preschool link which just enforces what we are doing at the time eg list our 5 favourite books, Ive tried to get parents involved in coming in and reading their childs favourite 3 out of 30!! Better than nothing! How do we encourage them to contribute? How do you do it? Any ideas appreciated!
- 1 reply
Hi all Trying to do SEF and some points have come up hence im posting some questions! Well so far our pre-school have done nothing about this. Just trying to get committee to alter registration docs changed to include details of other settings and its also on the intial all about me sheets we give to new starters. So at least getting the info. Saying that we have had no other settings contact us to share info. We have our major competitor a private day nursery, and the school who we have good contacts with but im not sure they are really interested in sharing info. Not sure how to go about it all really. The only thing i can think of is diary but im thinking lots …
- 8 replies
At college today we were talking about HIV and Hepatitis B, and the fact that a parent doesn't have to tell us whether their child has the HIV virus or Hepatitis. Which then started a conversation about whether we should have the right to know? Not so much for HIV, but Hepatitis B is very contagious, needing Just wondering what you think? Mrs Weasley x
Freeflow Outdoors
by Guest- 8 replies
any ideas on how to keep the heat inside when we have to have our doors open to enable the children to come in and out when they choose to, we are loosing all the heat by having the doors open so we are offering 'freeflow'
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Sandpit Cover
by Guest- 6 replies
Hope someone can help ! We have a big hexagonal sandpit on the ground outdoors - children love it and we have some fab sit on excavators which have gone down beautifully. It has a green hessian type cover with a drawstring to secure it with - unfortunately the cover is now ripped ( rip getting bigger daily ) and due to H and S issues we need to try to cover it securely as we haven't been able to have the children play with it since this happened . Wondered has anyone else has this prob and has anyone a good solution ? - thanks in anticipation - Lizzy
Behaviour Managment
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all Was just wondering at what point do you all fill in an incident report detailing behaviour of a child? Do you take inot account the age, development of a child, how many times they do not behave or the degree of misbehaviour eg hitting, or not doing as they are asked to? Reading my policy (PLA one) it a bit vague and comes under the section on when we have to restrain. Its just that child protection course raised some issues. Apparently a setting had a few niggles about a childs behaviour but never wrote it down. Then there was an incident that required referral which they did straight away. However given that they had no background behavioural records if…
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi friends On another topic, can you let me know, for those of you in day nurseries - when do you fit in your planning when you are all on different working shifts and you never get any non contact time?? At the moment we squeeze in half an hour wherever possible when the children are low key or staffing permits and we are not really getting, what I feel to be, satisfactory plans and idea. Then when it comes to me writing up the planning at the weekend (now - hence the post lol!) I find that I am seriously lacking in ideas/activities or continuous provision offering. So I end up spending alot of my sundays researching in books and on the net to find things to fill in.…
Practitioner Health
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi everyone Just looking for some advice, i haver broken out in coldsores (due to stress - that's another post - will fill you in somewhere else) but have, as a result had this result. I know they are highly contagious and can even be passed on without realising it through hands etc, is it fair to go into nursery with this or is the right thing to do to not expose them? Recently whenever i try to do the right thing i seem to have got it wrong so advice please....
Low Numbers! 1 2
by Guest- 32 replies
Hi, just wondering if this is a general thing across the country or just us....... our morning sessions are fine but the afternoon we are low on children, so low I've had to reduce 2 members of staff hours We lost 33 children to school and it's been a struggle to replace them this year. How's everyone else doing?
by Guest- 6 replies
HAd an issue today when we had to speak to a parent about her child who we have assessed and observed over a few months and are now putting him on an IEP. This made us think . Does anyone know of any leaflets of info that can be given to parents explaining what an IEP is in their language. We obviously do this but I wondered if there was anythin parent friendly!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,