All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 1 reply
We are a sessional preschool in a church hal with an outdoor space but not very many toys due to lack of storage factitiies. We are in an area where we have young people who hang around on a night previously there has been some vandlaism. I am asking if anyone knows of any suitable storage contatainers that where we can safley store our equipment that is less likely for people to get into? Thanks for your help Beth
- 2 replies
Hi, it the first time we are hatching chicks in our Preschool. Have done a risk assessment but not sure what else to put in, can anyone help? Do you let the children handle the ckicks. Chicks will be bantam so really tiny. Thanks Cinnabar
Water Jugs For Little Hands 1 2 3
by Guest- 60 replies
I desparately need to get some more jugs for the children to use to pour out their own drinks. I can't seem to find any in the shops - as they seem to be a 'seasonal' item, generally sold for picnics! Please can anyone advise me of where to try next?
Oxford Reading Tree
by Guest- 16 replies
hi everyone i know im always on here asking for advice and one of these days hopefully ill be able tohelp u in some way but i need advice yet again as u may know ive just taken on my role as preschool teacher after gaining my eyps. my room has already been set up with out me due to my transfer not happening as quickly as hoped. i think ive asked before and have done reseacrh of my own to get a rough idea but im getting confused as to what to do now. we have oxford reading tree resources in the room- pack of books some stage 1 with no words and some with simple sentences (not sure what stage this is) should these be being used with 3-4 and half year ol…
Feeding Babies
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I would like to know how other nurseries deal with using expressed breast milk, my students have been told not to test the milk on their wrist as we would normally for formula but were not given suggestions on how we can ensure the milk is a safe temperature. I understand that it is a bodily fluid and I guess that comes with potential risks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Childrens Groupings
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Can anyone tell me, is it O K (with Ofsted) to put one 2 year old with two 0 to 2yrs and have one member of staff at all? never? If so when? We had this discussion to day and could not agree Thank you Rosina
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 6 replies
Has anyone hatched chicks from eggs using a hired incubator (and non-hired eggs) and if so, is there a good place to go to arrange this?
Last reply by Steve, -
Nice Idea For Staff Meeting
by Guest- 15 replies
HI i did a staff meeting last week and we asked each member of staff to write a compliment about each of the other staff. this compliment had to relate to them and work, i.e Claire is commitetd to her job, or Jo has a lovely way with the children, this is shown in her doing ........... the staff got the gist, we all had fifteen minutes to write the compliments, (13 compliments to write) and wrote them away from others. we then re-grouped to read our compliments back.... now there was two 'rules' firstly we had to attempt to make eye contact to the person we were giving the compliment to, and secondly we were not to laugh or talk as the compliment was being given. …
Snack Time
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi, at my Pre-school we are trying to re-organise our snack time. At the moment we stop and everyone sits down together for a healthy snack time, but we are wondering if we should open a snack bar so that children who don't eat breakfast could eat earlier. How do other settings handle this and what sort of snacks are served? Would be really grateful for any help. Thanks.
National Occupational Standards
by Guest- 3 replies
I am doing a telephone interview with the CWDC tomorrow about the use of NOS in the workplace. Would anyone like to add any comments? I was shocked as to my limited knowledge of NOS and my confusion between them and NVQ. I am just going to say that I would like more training, time to understand, website with links to templates etc. I have been using them in a confused way when doing job descriptions and appraisals and training needs analysis without realising I was using NOS. Any thoughts will be passed on to them. If anyone has found any good websites or books please tell me