All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Sand Tray
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all can anyone tell me if an uncovered sand tray is at risk from contamination if it is stored inside a locked cupboard or does this only apply to outside trays as we have mislayed our lid. All replies gratefully recieved.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
Deputy On Duty!
by Guest- 16 replies
[ Hi Everyone. This is my first post I wonder if there is anyone out there that can tell me if it is necessary to have a named deputy on the premises of a private pre-school whilst the manager/leader are unavailable. At present we have a relief supervisor who is level 3 qualified to oversee everything in the manager/leaders absense.
- 12 replies
Ok bit of background here... We are a small village nursery that take children from 2yrs until school age. Since myself and the new owner took over the new nursery about 3years ago, we have done a LOT of work in bringing the nursery up to scratch. At our last Ofsted inspection in May 2006 we achieved a Good rating. We are however struggling with numbers at the moment, seems a common theme in this area, BUT we also have the added frustration of a number of parents who are putting their childrens names down for the state nursery in the next town, because it is (in one mums words 'a proper nursery'). I believe they do a lot more 'structured' work...worksheets, si…
Pre-school Pond
by Guest Chubby- 1 follower
- 18 replies
I would like to install a Pond in our garden. I Have it, it is less than 3' diameter and approximately 2' or less deep. We are lucky to have access to two gardens, the second of which is a gated area. Are there any rules and regulations to follow and if so, are they available for me in writing. I have already saught advice from forrest school, who have encouraged me. The pond would have no guard on it and children would not be in the area unsupervised. Forrest school encourage children to talk about dangers, agree barriers and monitor the safety of the pond. What do you do? I feel I have to be ready to discuss and promote the positives of this. (that cou…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Going To School
by Guest- 16 replies
We have a boy who should have started school in January. Parents are adament that he his not ready for school because he will cry when he leaves them (like any average child going to school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) Therefore he has stayed at pre-school for this term and will now start school full time in September and go into year 1, thereby missing out on that vital bonding year with his peers. Part way through this term she decided that she would attempt to introduce school to him and he has therefore been for about 3 morning sessions. Now she has spoken to the school and they have agreed that from the start of next term he will attend school for three mornings per week…
Ofsted Help
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all, we got the phone call yesterday that they will be here on mon and tues. I started teaching in this small rural schoool in oct in nursery/ reception mornings only. I also took on the role of senco and pe. I have been told that the inspectors specialism is early years and special needs. she has booked an appointment of 45m with me for rec and senco on mon. I have started working full time this week. I am really scared i won't be able to sell myself or answer all the questions.............HELP PLEASE
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
by Guest- 10 replies
I am looking at developing our book area and am considering purchasing something called "search and find alphabet bags". If anyone has any feed back on these I would be grateful as at nearly £100 they are not exactly cheap! We discussed their value at our staff meeting last week and the group were split with some seeeing them as a good tool to allow the children to look /talk together without too much adult intervention ( allowing us to make lots of lovely obs!) and others feeling that they are too expensive with the objects being quite small. These bags are flat - like a smallish plate, soft with a clear plastic window, are 7" in diameter, the children hold…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 10 replies
I had to look at the date when I saw this article. Apparently children are being given too many fruit and vegetables in nursery settings, at the expense of the fat and calories they need to keep them healthy, resulting in hungry children... We just can't get it right, apparently Maz
Home Visits/funding
by Guest- 5 replies
Can anyone suggest a solution? I want to do home visits for the first week and a half of the new term in September then stagger the admissions to the Nursery over the next 2 weeks so that all the children are in by the end of the 4th week of term but as it is a Private setting and we rely on the funding I have been told all children must be in by the end of the second week or we lose money? This means I have to either cut out the home visits or have all the childre start within a few days. Can anyone suggest a way around this please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
I Want To Write A Letter
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi everyone With the fast changes taking place in early years (funding entitlement to 15hrs etc, lunch clubs etc) I want to survey parents (present and future) about what their childcare needs actually are. We currently are sessional pre school (2.5hr sessions 7 times a week no lunch club), but having to think long and hard about ways to offer more flexibility in the future to remain viable. Any pro formas or ideas of what to ask parents in order for us to gain a full picture of what they really need/want without them jumping to conclusions. Know I can trust you all to come up with something. Thanks