All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 15 replies
A pre-school in our area doesnt allow parents who wish to help out in sessions to bring along younger siblings because 'its against oftsed regulations'? We have always allowed (and indeed welcomed) parents to bring along younger siblings when helping out? Are we doing something wrong by allowing this? We do of course make sure they know that they are responsible for their younger child etc And we never count parent helpers in the ratios. thank you. Jenni
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 14 replies
I have heard it all now. An irate parent phoned me to tell me that her child had caught a cold from the pre-school and is demanding her money back. She claims that when her husband brought the child in a staff member was showing all signs of having a cold. It was me that let the parent in because I remember him saying "why is she wetting herself since she came here". I certainly haven't had a cold and neither have any of my staff. The parents are trouble anyway because they made strange comment when visiting.I can give the childs place away immediately and return the money due from now but I am reluctant to return monies otherwise.Building up immunity to colds is a natu…
Nursery Timetable For Extra Staff!
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello I am just wondering if anyone can offer help?!! I am a nursery teacher in a nursery which is part of an Infant School and we run morning and afternoon sessions each consisting of 2 1/2 hours. Until now there has been just two members of staff but after half term I am going to have an extra teacher assistant- 3 adults, 26 children. Can anyone help in timetabling? We need to spend at least an hour out of doors. Has anyone got any example timetables they can share? Many thanks
Minor Injury To Children At Setting
by Guest- 15 replies
Our setting is every good with satff ratios and reporting and recrding of accidents, but on occassions a child may appear with a minor mark or scartch which we cannot account for eventhough a member of staff was in the room. I know we cannot watch all children at the same time and if a child doesn't cry ot make it known to us at the time we may not notice and I am taking about minor marks. Please assure me that this does happen on occassions and if so how do you deal with the parent who asks all sorts of questions about how it happened. I know that they have every right to know but how can you explain to them that although a memebr of staff is in the room they can…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_665, -
Developing The Outdoor Area.
by Guest- 1 follower
- 27 replies
I work as a teacher in a school Nursery. After having a really large outdoor area that we had to share with other classes, we are putting plans into place for a dedicated area solely for our use. We will still have access to the main part of the playground for wheeled toys and ball games, but we have chance to really transform a fenced off area. We will no longer have to worry about taking things in at lunchtime, or worrying about other classes trampling all over our lovely things. A development plan is also part of my professional development this year, so I really want to make sure that all of the team know what we are trying to achieve, and more importantly WHY we are …
Chinese Supermarket Trip
by Guest- 7 replies
We went to the chinese supermarket today. Every child chose something that they wanted to take back and try. There was a strong smell of incense throughout the shop. As we got to the counter, and the lovely lady greeted us as we went to make our purchases, one of the pre-school girls shouts out: "Can we leave now? It smells absolutely disgusting in here". Bless her - I did manage to surpress my chuckle! Anyhow, it was a great trip, and next month we are off to the pet-shop to find a replacement for our dearly departed hamster.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Soap Flakes
by Guest- 7 replies
Can someone tell me about the soap flake play? I love it but don't know what it is??? Thank you
- 1 reply
Hi, I am a student and childminder trying to complete a BA Hons, and have chosen to research why parents choose home based childcare - this could be childminders or it could be the use of family. Can anyone help me by answering a few questions? I am looking for controversial views too from other providers. Many thanks What_do_you_think_home_based_childcare_is.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Nursery Planning And Topics
by Guest- 6 replies
hi all Our nursery/preschool unit has just had a new manager put in place, she at present manages the primary unit in the school and wants to make a few changes so we follow the same planning through out the school? she has suggested that the topics in the nursery are to be the same as preschool but i feel that when they leave us to move up at 3 years they would be repeating the same topics again? (a different topic each month but the same in both rooms) also in the nursery we tend to try to keep it basic as the children are 1 year upwards, and are learning all the time from potty training to feeding themselves, im worried that the manager is expecting too m…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Managing The Nursery Activities
by Guest- 8 replies
I'm new to Nursery and finding that I seem to be spending most of my time supervising the children rather than engaging with them properly, every time I try a child needs attention or they stop playing. I'm worrying because I don't feel I can assess what the children can do or do 'proper' activities. Is it ok to be observing most of the time...I feel like I'm 'skiving'! I would be grateful for ideas how others organise things for Nursery children in a Foundation Unit setting. Thanks!