All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 2 replies
Why can't some parents accept the fact that it isn't the fault of the other children when their child isn't emotionally happy. Oh they do make me cross. We have a 4 year old who appears to be very spoilt at home, screaming temper tantrums throughout the night, doesn't actually play and interact with others, apparantly can read but i haven't seen any evidence. She is showing off big time when she comes in ( younger sister is now crawling ) Mum/ grandparent keeps asking us if she has a problem with one of the other children and tells us that child is bored "because she can read you know" Today I couldn't help but tell her that she has a problem with all of the other childre…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 12 replies
We have just opened our new outdoor area. It is quite small but we have been using it over the last few weeks and the children are loving it. I am trying to sort out planning for it's use and have decided that as it is small we should have weekly themes so that all the areas of learning are covered over each half term. Here are my ideas so far: Builders yard with wheel barrows, bricks, construction etc Gardening with tools, compost, planting Mark making with chalks, paints etc plus large paintbrushes to paint ground with water etc Physical with large apparatus Physical with small apparatus Sand and water plus other gunky stuff like gelli baff and soap flakes Sma…
- 4 replies
I'd like to buy some splash suits for the children to wear on damp days........we have access to a field, which we try to use daily, but when it's wet, the children tend to get muddy and one or two parents are starting to moan slightly.I know I can get them from the consortium for about £10 ish, plus vat, but does anyone know of a cheaper option??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Golden Rules
by Guest- 4 replies
My pre-school group are currently doing a lot of positive work on golden rules. They have written rules together, and the children have taken photos of each other. The staff have made a display, with a section for each child, in order to reward children's achievements with regards to the golden rules. Sorry I am being vague - the that is the point of this post! A staff member explained it to me - but I still don't understand it. The staff arn't using it consistently - which indicates that they don't understand it either. And more importantly, I asked the children about the display, and they couldn't tell me!!! They are really keen to have a display whic…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi guys, I'm doing some course work at the moment and am after some advice. I have only used the areas of learning as stated in the foundation stage document (PSED, MD,CD,PD,CLL and KUW), I have been advised to use the SPICE (Social, Physical, Intellectual, communication and Emotional) for my planning as it needs to cover from 2.5 to 5 years old. The problem arises when I have to refer to the stepping stones. I can see that Social and emotional link to PSED, but where does creative development and knowledge and understanding of the world link to. I've got myself all muddled so any clarifacation would be gratefully received. many thanks Sal
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 14 replies
I know there has been a topic discussing the recommended temperatures for children at Pre-school. I can't find it at the moment, so does anyone know what the temperature should be. We are in a church hall and today when I went in at 7.45 it was only 12 degs. It went up to 14 but had only got to 16 when we left. We did lots of jumping, skipping, etc. None of the children complained about being cold but one of my staff was feeling chilly. We are in an old church hall and the ceilings are very high (I bet it's lovely and warm way up high !!) I have contacted the church today and informed them - they are very good and will do all they can but I'm not sure they can do much a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Ideas Needed Please
by Guest- 11 replies
Hello all, I'm after advise (again) I work in a small community pre-school (20 children,not all everyday) and have just been to a committee meeting that consisted of the following people- 4 staff members Chair (who emmigrates to Australia in 10 days) Secretary (no children at pre-school at present, moving home in Jan) Treasurer (no children at pre-school at present, twins start in Sept) none of the other parent stayed at home time to join in. Does anyone have any ideas on enthusing (sp?) the other parents, all ideas welcome. Sal
Out Of School Club Help
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi I am a new child care co ordinater dose anyone have any ideas for promoting our out of school club. Also can any one help with ideas for tea time activities. I am new to this job i dont have a job discription and im always waiting for someone to say why didnt you do that. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 2 replies
I have done a search but so far no luck I wonder if one of you clever people know the words to 'london train'? All I know is the train huffs and puffs and there is quite a bit of 'ring a ding ding' in it!!! Any suggestions welcome, can't find anything in google either.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Parental Participation
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I'm after some ideas for getting parents more involved in the preschool, we have a parents rota which is rarely used and I was wondering if anyone had any gems they would like to share. Many thanks Sal