All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Healthy Lunch Box Leaflet
by Guest- 6 replies
I'm trying to improve the contents of our lunch box's - does anyone know where I can get a leaflet on healthy lunchbox's for pre-school children. I can find lot's for the over 5's Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
by Guest- 19 replies
One of my colleagues has just mentioned that one or two paretns feel we are giving their children mixed messages because we don't provide helmets for the children to use when they are outside on bikes, tractors etc. As it's in a safe, enclosed area it hadn't even crossed my mind. I understood helmets to be of use primarily when they are out and about and in danger of being hit by vehicles. On reflection I take the point about mixed messages but I thought helmets came in individual sizes etc. I can't see how we could have space for 24 helmets at a time! Has anyone else come across this?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 49 replies
Just to pick a few brains.... We welcome students from our local college undertaking various levels of Early Years courses. It does bring with it some degree of work for us, but we appreciate we were all there once and without these opportunities we would not be where we are now! Anyway, just wondered what other settings ask of their students? Are they expected to help with everything our job entails? I sometimes see their faces drop if they are asked to help with tidying or cleaning up tasks. I feel maybe we are a bit soft! your thoughts?
Parents Concerns
by Guest- 4 replies
Whilst i was at Uni yesterday one of our parents had a chat with my deputy - and I need some ideas please. The parent is concerned as her son has developmental issues, she struggles with his behaviour at home and uses the reward charts etc but nothing works. She has basically given us the threat that unless his behaviour improves she will remove him from pre-school as he just runs around with us and does nothing !!!!!!!!!!!!! she wants him to be assessed by our area senco as it's her right .and a daily report on what he's learnt that day. (Mum's just joined the committee and has stated I see all the children as just money !!!! really fed up at. At the last commit…
Any Pre-school Teachers
by Guest- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I have an interview on friday for a pre school teacher in a day nursery, I dont no much about the post and I have been told everything will be explained in the interview. I come from a teaching background in a school and would like to know peoples experiences of day nurseries and how the role will be different to a school teacher Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
Hi, Hope someone can help! I have a llittle girl in my setting who is nearly four and will be starting school in January. I am a new manager in the setting so am only just getting to know the children and thier back grounds. This little girls mum passed away with Cancer when the little girl was a baby, within the past month her grandfather has passed away, he was a very close adult in her life. The little girl is missing not having a mother and has in the past few weeks started talking about missing her mummy and how granny is sad because granny misses her grandad and so does she. The little gilrs behaviour is starting to become very challenging and is obviously caus…
Church Hall Misery
by Guest- 16 replies
I am the manager of a small pre-school (24 children max) and we operate from a local church hall. We have always had a difficult relationship with the church committee, some can be helpful and understanding and others can be picky and stubborn. Lately we have found that anything we raise with them which has been highlighted on our daily opening sheet is met with a picky moan from them ( one in particular!). This is beginning to upset both myself and my staff as we feel that we are not allowed to mention anything. It is even more annoying as only this morning, before I could even start to set up, I had to re-stack chairs, wipe surfaces, empty bins etc from a previous group…
Phonic's And Writing
by Guest- 3 replies
can any one help? are you meant to taech the children how to form each letter in the phonic order or in shape order i.e. c, o etc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Admin Pay
by Guest- 4 replies
How much time do you think you spend on admin? For the past 3 weeks I have written down how much admin I have been doing (just because it seemed to be taking up so much of my time!) In the past three weeks I have done 30 hours of admin!! I only get paid for 8 of those hours!! Granted its a very busy time of year with letters needing to be done for xmas parties/xmas services etc etc but this does seem an awful lot and I am begining to feel like a volunteer! I do all admin at home, as I dont get any non contact time and during the holidays (eg half term) I do loads but dont get admin pay at all in the holidays, (admin pay is not pro rateredsp??). I know that…
Outings Ratio's?
by Guest- 14 replies
We are sessional pre-school who opertate from a timber lodge in the grounds of the local primary school (we are not part of the school and are run independently.) We have been invited to watch the key stage 1 nativity play, which is lovely, however, I phoned Ofsted to make sure it was OK for staff to walk the children the short distance to the school. They said that the ratio of outings still stands 1:2!! The school grounds are secure and we are within those groundsetc, Does this seem right? I seemed to remember reading on here that others have not had that ratio when going on walks etc?? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you