All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Packed Lunches
by Guest toddleo- 14 replies
I have noticed on the EYFS literature that we should be seen to liaise with parents about packed lunches ,their contents and safe storage ( p23 of the framework) Do any of you, who do provide a lunch club , send anything out to your parents, to cover yourself over this requirement? if so, what do you Put! Many thanks
- 2 replies
hi can anyone let me know how you do your nursery inductions please? after ours yesterday i felt that it could have gone better, for a number of reasons. i would love to hear different ways to doing them to see if we can improve.
Please Tell Me You Love Your Job!
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi. I've always taught in either KS1 or Reception. Absolutely love Reception (have whole intake in Sept so work with 'Nursery') and KS1. Always thought I'd love Nursery so pushed to go in there next year. BUT... covered the current teacher's PPA today to get a taste and I'm sorry to say I didn't like it! I knew it'd be tiring but wasnt prepared for how many times you have to repeat yourself, sort out disputes, get told NO! etc. I'm really hoping it was just because it wasn't 'my' class yet - in that I was having to follow the current teacher's planning, set-up, routines etc which whilst it works for her, isn't done in the way I would like to do it. I know I'm going…
Help & Tips Please
by Guest- 3 replies
Our early years team have invited my nursery (me!) to give a presentation in july on outdoor play mainly because we were lucky enough to be chosen as a runner up in the recent Nursery World outdoor competition. I was on a high when I glibly(sp?) accepted and now nerves are setting in....have never given a presentation other than to small nursery team, can't use cam corder, talke too fast when nervous etc. etc. I thought it would be for a small room full and now I hear there could be as many as 60 other practitioners...big glup:huh: I've been given a camcorder to record the children at play (permission in process of being gained from parents) so I hope that I wont have …
- 6 replies
I was wondering where we could get some sports day medals for the nursery sports day next month? Oh and I am enjoying my stay at the school I am currently working in. Thanks in advance Beth
- 8 replies
Hi I have been given posters and dvds from one of our parents they are about animals, sea creatures and planets. She collected them all from one of the newspapers. The dvds are an excellent source of information and although i am anti tv in the setting i think i could use them. My idea is to play them on the computer as part of an interest table with information and story books and various related objects. The problm is i think i will need some sort of license to show them. Does anyone have any knowledge of this area. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_534, -
- 0 replies
Hi everyone just need some ideas! our centre has just enrolled on a new pilot scheme called healthy childcare. for this we have to cover 4 core areas - ie healthy food, personal, social etc. we are organising a launch day to promote this to parents and need ideas to involve the whole family and children of different ages! Any suggestions welcome! thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7677, -
Ideas For Resources
by Guest- 12 replies
hi all, Just taken over managing a playgroup and the resources are very, very, limited I am going to compile a wish list for the owner has anyone got any suggestions what I should put on it to get the best value for the money. And Ideas for cheap or free stimulating idea.
- 5 replies
Our cloakroom gets so cluttlerd with bags etc and we are looking for storage ideas.Can anyone share what solutions they have please.
- 2 replies
help! i run a small village preschool, numbers are very low and finances not brilliant so we have put in for a sustainability grant as we really want to employ another member of staff (currently run on 2 staff a session,not easy!). anyway to get this funding we really need to prove we need another staff member to do this we need to increase numbers. at the mo we take children the term they are 2yrs 6mths we are registered to take them from 2 so wondering if we should? bit worried about the impact would it change everything? any comments/experience would be much apprieciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8391,