All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 1 reply
We still have £18 of ELC's to spend this year. Not a lot but I am not going to return it to the council. I have been looking at some £5 programmes called I spy Junior, Thomas and friends, Wheels on the Bus and Finding Nemo. Does anyone know what they are like or have recommendations? Eighteen pounds doesn't go along way with Sherston etc so am looking at Curriculum on line and AVP. Our children favourite program is called Humpty Dumpty where they rewrite the poem with aliens/motor bikes and icecreams but that was more expensive. I gather ELC are ending in june 2008, so I won't have this problem soon
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 14 replies
Hi, I run a Pre School taking children 2 1/2 to 5years. We are open mornings only, for two and a half hours. Over the last few years, (since we were no longer allowed to refuse children who were still in nappies, (coincidence?) we have seen a huge increase in children over 3 who are not at all continent, both pooing and weeing in their nappies everyday and not telling anyone when they've had a poo. we often have to play "where is that smell coming from?"!! We now have at least 4 or 5 children a day (out of a total of 22) using nappies. These children's development is 'normal' in every other way, but more and more parents tell me they 'don't want puddles…
Changing Nappies
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi All, Got a bit of a quandry (or quandrie). As most of you know I am a pre school that runs sessions and daycare. We take from 2-5years so we sometimes have some that are still in pull ups or nappies. Our policy on changing is - If a child only attends a 2 and a half hr session they don't get changed unless they poo or nappy hanging down by knees. - If they session and lunch club they get chanded once. - If they do a full day 9.30-3pm they get changed twice. Now I thought that was ok and never have ahd a parent moan or complain, until today. She moaned her daughter wasn't changed. We checked her and she wasn't particulary wet so we didn't. I explained our …
Non Attendance.
by Guest- 9 replies
hi all, just wondering how every one deals with this, i had three families whom had booked their children in, the attendance had been a bit hit and miss, the families know of our missed session fee ( half price £2.00) but i had waverd this due to concerns over the childrens welfare. I thought if i tried to get the missed session cash from them they might not bring the children back to us and then the children will miss out and i wouldn't be able to keep a kind eye on them. I know this is not fair for those who do pay for missed sesssions. The problem is that now the playgroup is full up every morning and has a waiting list which could be cleared. So i contacted the fami…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5586, -
by Guest- 8 replies
cafe_sign.rtfI have put a few bits together today for our cafe snack area and garden role play. Ithought i would post them to see if anyone else could use them.
The Registered Person
by Guest toddleo- 5 replies
Hello guys, can you help me with a quick question. we are a community pre-school, run by a committee of volunteer parents. My query is, who would the "registered person" be, would it be the committee chair, or the pre-school leader? my query arose because I know you are in breech of regulation, according to Ofsted, if you do not inform ofsted of changes to the committee, and I was not sure who should be doing that, I.e Who is the registered person?? does this make sense!!
- 4 replies
Hi I am looking for a 'brick puzzle' but can't find one anywhere and have no idea what they are actually called! Does anyone remember a puzzle made up of about 12 cubes and each face of each cube has part of a picture on? I had them as a child in the year dot! and I bought some for my own children about 20years ago. Well I found one in the loft and took it into pre-school. I have been staggered by the sustained concentration of the children, the level of interest, how groups of 3 and 4 children have worked together to try and complete a picture - the list goes on! The one I have is rather dated and I have been searching to see if there is a version availabe …
Making Slime
by Guest- 13 replies
Hello We made slime a while back using glue, borax & glycerine. It worked lovely and then I lost the recipie so I found a different one that didn't use the glycerine and it was rubbish so I was wondering if anyone has any slime recipies. If you have any other fun recipies too that would be appreciated we make gloop and play dough but something for a change would be quite good DEb
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4619, -
Information Packs For Parents
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
hi as a nursery we have a whole nursery information pack for parents. but i wanted to put together a pack of information about Birth to three matters and the foundation stage.... so that parents can learn a bit more about these frameworks.... but i don't know where to start.... i don't want to make it too long winded or jargon filled for them, but i want it to be professional and informative, yet easy to read and take in..... so how wlould you go about putting such a pack together.... i thought i could: write a little about each framework, using info in BT3 pack and FS guidance for this info. i then thought i could write a little about how we use B…
Pictures For Nursery Rules...
by Guest- 7 replies
Been looking on clipart for some pictures to make a some simple nursery rules....i.e remember to walk, have kind hands etc etc. Not got what I'm looking for.....can anyone recommend a website where I can find some suitable pictures???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469,