All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 11 replies
Hi, has anyone made or have an activity box in their setting? For one of my last FD assignments i need to: Design an activity box / resource file to support language or intellectual development for practititioners anyone got any ideas??????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Cultural Diversity Day
by Guest- 2 replies
According to Nursery Education Magazine, the 20th May is Cultural Diversity Day and I am hoping to propose to my manager that we do something special at nursery to celebrate. I was thinking along the lines of a holding a day where parents come in to the nursery with their children to celebrate the variety of different cultures but would really like something special to plan for this day. I've considered cooking and role play activities, but although these are great, I don't think they are going to last an entire day which is what I would like to propose. So really, I am in need of some fantastic activities or events which will involve all parents, children and staff o…
Nappy Changing Again!
by Guest- 17 replies
HI Okay, for those of you who read the other post i wrote you will know iahve moved our nappy changing area into the staff bathroom. I spoke with a member of staff last night and she is up in arms over this. She said thatat college they were told staff could not change nappies alone in a seperate room? ~ I have never heard this before, i know all staff need to be police checked. So this staff member said she would not be comfortable changing nappies alone as it leaves her open to allegations being made and no one around to prove (or rather disprove) them. Ihave had a quick gander on ofsted's website and their seems little guidance at all about nappy changing …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021, -
Lunch Club
by Guest- 3 replies
We are now including our lunch club as part of a 2 &half granted session, and consequently have had to look at our policies and risk assessments. Has any one got any ideas other than the usual allergies, plastic bags and lids etc that we would need to put on our risk assessment. We do risk assessment on most other things at pre-school but they want one specific to lunchclub and eating. we have part of our normal risk assessment, that inlcudes food and preparing etc for activities and snacks but this they want more specific. Also we have always included our lunchclub in with our other policies, but again our Advisory teachers and officers want something more spec…
- 15 replies
HI a member of staff at my nursery has asked me to ask you if pre-schools are allowed to refuse entry to children who will not use the toilet to poo. This child is toilet trained in terms of needing a wee, and will ask for a nappy on for a poo... she had her visits to pre-school and all seemed okay, but on her first day (yesterday) the pre-school teacher told her mum that they would not accept her until she poo's consistently on the toilet. Can they do this?, incidently this little girl was three early april this year... if that makes any difference. can anyone tell me if pre-schools can exclude on this basis Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8235, -
Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, Is anyone willing to share a Medium term plan that they use in a preschool. Many thanks
Room Dividers
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi we have hit a point where we are grid locked in terms of moving children through nursery, this means that some of our toddlers who are two (and would normally be going to tweenie room) need to stay in toddlers until september, which would make many of them 2 and a half when they move through. Many parents are not happy that they are not moving through at 2 (as previously the old manager told them this would be happening!) There have been concerns raised that the children agaes in toddlers are too broad (1 years to 2 +) and the parents of the older children feel that because the older children (2 +) are mixing with the younger children it is holdiong them back. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
Those Of You In Nurseries..
by Guest- 6 replies
A question for those of you in nurseries, where the children are based in different rooms according to many level 3 (or above) staff do you have per room? Thanks in advance!
Child With Cancer
by Guest- 9 replies
just heard that a child has been diagnosed with bone cancer within the group and they will not be returning. This is our second case in a year the other child having cancer in their kidneys. As is expected the family are really struggling and we are all in shock. Can anyone give us advice on what we can do? Should the other parents be informed - I have had them asking why the child has been off and just said that he was unwell - this was at the mothers request - she said 'until I know what we are dealing with'. The other family were very open and informed everyone prior to their return in September. I have tried contacting the family but have been unable to reach …
Health & Hygiene
by Guest- 10 replies
I have a query and would appreciate your comments about an incident that happened on thursday. I was informed by a member of staff that the toilet was blocked. The water was to the top of the pan and after giving it a good poke with a coat hanger decided that we needed to inform someone as it needed sorting before the bank holiday. The owner came storming into nursery and sorted the problem by putting his hand down the toilet. We were told in front of the children in a sarcastic tone that we should learn to deal with these problems on our own! We pointed out that we were unable to sort it as our changing gloves and rubber gloves were too short (Water to top of bowl). He …