All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 2 replies
Hi everyone PLEASE help Ive had another bad day! WE CANT GET THESE ROOMS RIGHT WE SPEND SO MUCH TIME CHANGING ROOMS AROUND ITS A NIGHTMARE! We have2 largish rooms which cater for 20 children. 2-5 years. We have introduced free flow play from 10am -each morning to give the children time to settle and so that we can have some seperate times with the older children giving them a bit more structure and workshop areas, the front room - was used for 3-5 years and has a pc in it graphics area, role play as in travel agents etc not home corner, creative area ie paintings and some books near a carpet. Lots of maths bits compare bears etc One staff member today…
Persona Dolls
by Guest- 5 replies
I'm really interested in the use of Persona Dolls - do any of you use them? Do you like them? and do you have any experiences - successful or not - to share. I really like them and I am going to work with some colleagues and share experiences of using them and wondered if any of you good people have interesting stories to tell about them - bet you do!! thanks Veecee
Job Descriptions
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all, Can anyone help me? As part of my Foundation Degree in Early Years we have to compare job descriptions for people assoicated/working in Early years settings. The setting in which I work has no job descriptions for: SENCO Foundation Stage Co-ordinator Key Stage One Co-ordinator Foundation Teacher. I would be so grateful. Thanks Gail
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
Co-ordinator Roles
by Guest- 8 replies
Can anyone give me any examples of other coordinator roles apart from Senco and Health & Safety, BTTM and Foundation Stage? I have some staff who I feel would be motivated by having a coordinator role. I need an ENCO but are there any others I could invent?!
Dangers Of Compost?
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi I wonder has anyone else had a complaint about letting the children use potting compost? I bought potting compost and put it inthe sand tray. As part of an activity the children were digging potatoes and carrots out of it. Now we are going to use it to plant bulbs and flowers. However I had a phone call today from our regional health and safety executive telling me there had been an anonymous complaint about us using thsi with children. Neither they nor my LEA's health and safety officer were aware of any problems but someone obviously thinks so . Any advice?
Food Allergies
by Guest Wolfie- 7 replies
At our staff meeting last night, we spent a long time discussing children's food allergies and how to manage them with regard to cooking/food preparation activities and parties/special events at the nursery. The discussion came about because we have a little boy who started last week whose parents stated that he was allergic to gluten and eggs. As it happened, during his first week we were making toast with the children; when he saw what we were doing he got very excited and indicated that he was used to eating that for breakfast. So we rang Mum to check whether he could have some and she said that he can't have uncooked bread but toast with butter on is fine!!!! …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
I've just gound out that at their last inspection playgroup were told they couldnt work to 1:5, it has to be 1:4 and 1:8. The 1:5 ratio made sense purely because with 10x 2 yr olds and 10 x3 yr olds we would need 5 staff, as soon as the 2 yr olds start to turn 3 you are paying out for staff you dont need and cant always afford. It was the PLA who first actually said about the 1:5 ratio to them although I'd worked to it before that. How many others work to 1:5 in a church hall, obviously in a purpose built nursery the children are sectioned into their own rooms.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Poisonous Or Not?
by Guest- 5 replies
Please help I need your advice I brought bags of orange split peas to use in our sand tray at play group. I thought these would make a great change to the tray. My assistant said they were poisonous and couldn't be used. She said if they are eaten before cooked they can be toxic. Can any one help as i'm not sure, the packets did not give a warning and no one else has agreed they are dangerous if eaten uncooked. What do you all think?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Playgroup Fees
by Guest MaryEMac- 21 replies
Can anyone help me please? Our playgroup has a new committee and the chairman came to me and asked what I thought about putting up the fees. At the moment we charge £3.50 for a two and a half hour session. Most parents usually end up only paying this for a term , before the gov. funding comes in. We are a small village playgroup which isn't in a particularly rich area. What sort of fees does anyone else charge please. Thanks. Mary
- 2 replies
Just been told that we have a parents eve next week- great aye! How often do you have parents evenings? Does anyone have any sort of parents evening proforma and help in what I can write./example Thanks so much x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705,