All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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How Often?
by Guest- 7 replies
HI Because it is my first time managing a nurseyr i just wanna get others views on this.... how often do you have the photographer come to nursery (im in private day nursery open all year round), so far we have had them come in july (early july) and they are back next week. In july they did group and individual photos, this time they are doing individula ones (last time they sold well). Just wondering tho is twice a year too much?, or have i not left a long enough gap between the two?. I think the thinking was that if they had them done in June then our school leavers could buy them (espcially the group one's) and we are having them done now in time for xmas, but…
First Aid Kits
by Guest- 4 replies
hi i've had a request from the preschool I'm partnership teacher for to find out what is required to be put in a first aid kit for 24 2 & 3 year olds. Does anyone know please? Thanks xx
Staff Let Down :(
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi all A recently employed member of staff recently asked to leave asap due to personal financial circumstances (which was fully explained to us and we sympathise). Anyway to cut a long story short we found a suitable canidate (DPP qualified) and she accepted the position. Now 6 days before she was due to start it's 'sorry, have found another job for more money and more hours so I wont be starting'. So now in 5 days we will be understaffed! Have put a notice on our door and placed the vacancy with the job centre. So far, have one parent (NNEB) who is thinking about it over the weekend and a degree qualified person coming for an informal interview on…
Nursery Ratio's
by Guest- 9 replies
HI we are moving some of our toddlers through to our tweenie room, our toddlers are two in November (birthday's scattered throughout november) (tweenie room takes from two - three years approx) so when they are two they will be on a 1-4 ratio which is the ratio tweenie room operates too. some days we will have four children who will be two in november and 4 children who are two already so 8 in all, normally we would have two members of staff, but my deputy tells me i can't have 8 with two staff as four of the 8 are still under two(thus 1:3 ratio) for the duration of novemeber (well till they reach there second birthday.) so although they are in a tweenie room, i sti…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
Hi Scope In Preschools
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi has anyone had experience of Hiscope in preschools? Does it improve children's behaviour ? How does the planning stage work if children have free choice of activities?
Making Fruit Kebabs
by Guest- 8 replies
I am hoping to make fruit kebabs in my playgroup. What is it best to thread them on? Are the wooden kebab type skewers safe if I remove the points? Otherwise I could I use plastic drinking straws and make the holes in the fruit myself, just allowing the children to do the threading. Any advice please? Children are aged rising 3 to 4 1/2 years.
Inspections Of Chains
by Guest- 8 replies
Does anyone know whether nurseries that are in a chain, get inspected around the same time?
- 13 replies
Hi all, need some insperation please, for my FD i need to choose what subject to do my dissertation on!!!!! I have thought about food/nutrition, but do not know which route to take eg healthy lunches in nursery, jamie oliver angle, suppliments ............................ can anyone inspire me please!!!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi We are looking to employ an administrator but we are unsure how many hours they would need to be contracted and how much administrators are on, any ideas?
Reward Systems For Nursery Children
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi I'm after advice, what sort of reard systems do you have for Nursery children. The rest of the school follows assertive discipline and have star charts for whole classes, but Nursery? I understand they have to follow the rules and understand the consequences if they don't but not sure what reward system would suit can you help?? Thanks