All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 1 reply
Hi all, Does anyone know where i can get cheap award ribbons or rosettes for sports day. Have bought some before but cannot for the life of me find out where!! Anyone able to help???????
Headphones For Littlies
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone have any tried and tested headphones suited for the small heads of 3 year olds. We inherited some diddy ones from a school which closed last year, but they have pretty much been trashed now - they were very flimsy, but just the right size and weight. The headphones which are used in our computer suite will give our poor little ones necks like David Coulthard they're so big and heavy!!! What we need is something sturdy enough to cope with the rigours of nursery life, but light-weight enough that the children are enticed to the listening area. Any suggestions??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Rubbish Dilemma
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everyone Anyone any suggestions for this next issue we are faced with - Rubbish! - and what to do with it! We are a pre school who use our local church hall facilities - and since we opened our day to day rubbish is tied up in black bags, and put outside in the covered bin store, awaiting collection from the 'bin men' once a week - no problem - until last week . . . our local borough council are getting very big on recycling at the moment, and as a consequence now have an issue with collecting rubbish from the bin store, and an issue with black plastic bags. However, when the 'church' asked for wheelie bins (like all local domestic premises are being issued wi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5375, -
- 0 replies
HI okay. in my letter of application for the managers job i waffled on about how i would like to help children become active contributors to the nursery, and to have a voice and to refelct this in the environment. I just know i am going to get asked how i would do this, and i have mind freeze, im stumped.... i guess like for the pre-school; children we can present them with more choices at times like snack, ie milk and water, choice of fruits and cereals etc.... similarily we could do this with toys. but what could i do for younger children and how can we show that we are doing this in the nursery environment. ideally my vision for the nursery would be one th…
Planning And Assessments
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi this is my first post so I hope it is ok. We have just had a visit from our Early Years Advisor who wants us to make the links between our observations and our planning clearer, but she could not suggest an effective and workable way to do this. Has anybody got any systems that would work? There are 2 of us who do the observations and 70 children, so we need something simple. Also in our nursery we have a morning and afternoon session with different children in each session, but have been told provision must be different for each session. Does anybody else provide completely different provision for morning and afternoon children? thanks Jo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5892, -
- 6 replies
HI Im in a private day nursery, we employ 10 staff (not including manager), 2 of these part time (they work opposite each other) only 2 of the staff employed are qualified (myself and the deputy ) im in pre-school, the deputy in babies... all other staff are woking towards NVQ's 2 or 3 are we within the 'right' qualified / unqualified levels????? im not sure we are..... some days there may only be me in (when the deputy is off) that is qualified, or other days there may only be the deputy in (when im off) taht is qualified.... how will OFSTED like this? also another OFSTED question, when we have lunch breaks at work the staff are able to go off site, somedays that…
End Of Year Show
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi We are putting on a small informal show for parents, the children are going to sing a few songs, then we are going to present the ones that are leaving with certificates and a leavers present. Has anybody got any ideas for some fun songs we could include, i'm really struggling to come up with any. Anybody got any ideas!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
I would apprciate any advice any of you can give me reguarding a child in my setting. she has benn attending nursery for three terms now in the afternoon session and is due to join a reception class in January. She is 4 years old. I am concerned as she hasn't made any progress since joining us when she started nursery she took a while to settle and needed constant adult support. She comes into nursery ok now but still needs to be left with an adult, the activity that she settles at is where she stays all afternoon not joining in just watching or staring she talks to adults but only when they ask her questions the rest of the time she is slient and sometimes …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Songs To Go With Traditional Stories
by Guest- 3 replies
Does anyone know of any songs that go along with traditional fairy tales, apart from "When Goldilocks went to the house of the Bears", "There was a Princess Long Ago and a good one someone told me about the "Enormous Turnip" ? Thank you Ade
Problems With Child's Behaviour
by Guest- 3 replies
HI I think to call this a 'problem' is probably a stretch really, in actual fact its probably not a great problem (probably just a trait to him) but mum has concerns we have a little boy in our room, he is leaving for school this september and is one of the eldest, i think an october birthday (when he will be 5). he attends fulltime with us (8 - 5:30). this little boy is constantly, and i mean constantly stretching boundaries. he is fully aware of what is expected at nursery but pushes boundaries. if asked to sit in the book corner and read a book, he turns to his friends and say's 'lets be silly now'. when reminded that we are not being silly he rolls his ey…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,