All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 6 replies
does anyone know where i can either downlaod or buy a book of parachute games pls? For ages 0-5
Last reply by AnonyMouse_468, -
Sorry Phonics Again!
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi, Will anyone stop'teaching' phonics in nursery as a result of the Rose report? My head is going round and round about this now. I have a problem with the word 'formal'. I do JP once a week in a very informal manner - no worksheets - just to introduce the idea of listening to initial sounds and to introduce the letter for the more able. I feel that this is very informal. However we have a teacher who comes in to cover my PPA (she also works at the local infant school who do not want me to use JP) and she says that she thinks it is formal (because we do 10 mins at group time). I have had discussions with all the staff. The ones who have direct access to …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi. I have been reading many posts lately about phonics and am pretty sure I have seen that some people do phonics with children in nurseries. Not totally sure if that is right! Are we supposed to teach phonics in nurseries/pre-schools, or is it just something that is done in schools? Clare
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 6 replies
when we return after easter i will be taking the children who are preparing to go to school once a week and would love to know if anyone has any good activities/circle time ideas that i could do with them??
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2821, -
Role Play Area
by Guest- 9 replies
Im am planning to do a topic on Traditional Stories next half term and I can't think of a role play area that I could set up that would be linked to this topic. Has anyone done this topic before? If so have you got any good ideas to pass on and also a good idea for a role play area. Thank you.
Treasure Boxes
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi, Did any of you receive the Treasure Chest boxes from book start recently? They were really nice, containing books, pencils, pencil sharpeners, height chart etc. and although many parents were grateful, some (including staff) thought that it was money that could have been put to better use. Some suggested giving money to the pre-schools so that we could buy books ourselves to use in the group. We were given 70 boxes, one for each child and would think they all cost around £5.00 each, so we are talking alot of money (don't know who funded it - sure start, possibly). I, personally would never look a gift horse in the mouth and hopefuly it will encourage early enjoyme…
- 15 replies
We tend to only get young 16 year old students who are on the most basic childcare courses. they only attend for 2 weeks work experience they dont have any projects or activities to do and very inexpereinced so its up to us to direct them. So it was raised at the team meeting what should we be expecting the student to do? we feel that the student should experience all aspects of the session to get a realistic feel for the job but I feel because 2 weeks is a short period of time then asking the student to spend time in the kitchen washing up is not the best use of their time they can do washing up at home its not something you need to go on a 2 week work placement to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Parents' Evening - Poor Child
by Guest- 10 replies
Good grief, just had parent's evening. A parent of a child who can read and write (turned 4 in Nov) wanted to know what he could teach him next. In a polite way I suggested a few social skills would be good ( like sharing, doing as he is asked, sitting still, not hitting, not grabbing faces to talk to people, talking quietly etc. Dad listened patiently then said 'Yes but what can I teach him?' i.e. reading and writing. Same dad said he was very upset because his son had always wanted to be a doctor or in medicine and now 'after being at your nursery he wants to be a Superhero and I am NOT happy'. Good grief, feel so sorry for the child - push, push, push academi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
Snack Preparation - New Legislation!
by Guest- 19 replies
Hi After reading the Under 5's publication this week, we were very interested to read the article on snack preparation and being registered with the FSA. We have all been on the Basic Food Hygiene courses and were not aware that we needed to be registered to provide sandwiches, fresh fruit etc. We run from a community hall and share the premises with all those who pay for the privilege. In the kitchen we have access to locked cupboards where we keep our toaster, cups, plates etc and our non-perishable food stuffs. We also have shared access to a fridge/freezer, a cooker, sink and a microwave. Upon telephoning the FSA they referred me to our local Environmen…
by Guest- 16 replies
I'm not sure if this is the right forum, but please bear with me if not. There's been a tragic situation in our preschool this week where the father of one of the children first suffered some critical kind of brain illness, was on life support & then died on Monday. I won't go into too much detail. Our little one, who's under 3, seems relatively unaffected. Parents were separated & there's a good father figure on the scene who clealry loves them all to bits & it's reciprocated. I've listened to Mum, just letting her talk, & she seems to think I can help by finding some material for her to read either about how her children [the oldest is 9, showin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64,