All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 22 replies
One of our nursery children told a member of staff all about the film he watched with his dad the other night - we think Robocop (Cert 18). He think he's trying to make sense in his head of what he's seen and certainly his roleplay and general play this week are out of character. What approach do you take with children as I'm sure this little boy is not on his own in seeing films he shouldn't. I'm comfortable having a quiet word with Mum and am aware that every parent has the right to bring up their child as they wish, but surely there is a fine line between this approach and making a child 'vulnerable' emotionally..... Whilst I am going to have a gentle word with the…
Elephant Song
by Guest- 7 replies
Can't remeber the words to the rest of the song, help needed!!! 1 little elephant balancing, Step by step on a piece of sting, they had such....... That's where I get stuck!!!! Does anyone know the rest of the song??? It's a counting song. You get to 10 then the 'sting goes snap and they all fall down'!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 19 replies
I'm a nursery nurse and I work in a school nursery I have over 10 years experience most of my experience was gained in a school environment, I have worked with a variety of fantastic, highly experience teachers who have taught me a lot and made me better at my job. But all that changed at the begining of this term when a new teacher came in to the nursery, fantastic I thought new ideas and enthusiasum but sadly it's not like that and I don't know what to do, this teacher seems to have a very limited understanding of young children and how they learn (she isn't an NQT but is working towards QTS) It seems to me she came to the nursery because she thinks it's a eas…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
by Guest- 13 replies
Need Advice, Had a parent come to me week b4 half term and said her daughter had worms but is now clear. We sent out the routine letter to all parents and heard nothing. Cleaned and antibacterialed everything, wiped down books etc and stepped up on all aspects of hygiene. Last week had another parent come up yo me and said her son has worms but will keep off til tratment finished. I thanked her for letting me know and sent out another letter. Today I have had 2 more parents saying that there children had worms last half term. So have sent out a letter asking all parents to notify me if there child has had worms this term. Problem is the damage has already been done.…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4145, -
5 Currant Buns
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all Is there anybody musical out there??? I am trying to find piano music for 5 currant buns in the bakers shop - can anyone help? Have found loads of piano music for all kinds of nursery rhymes and songs, except this one.
Need A Simple Truffle Recipe
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Has anyone got a tried and tested SIMPLE foolproof recipe for chocolate truffles which the kiddies can make as a gift for Christmas. Did have a recipe many moons ago, came to look for it, and it's disappeared did have a go at a different (grown up) recipe at home - but it wasn't as easy as my original. Be glad of any help.......................
- 15 replies
Has anyone seen the press/ heard the news today? The Mail has jumped on the bandwagon again (and the Telegraph has followed suit) with the new announcement of the Early Years Foundation Stage (formerly known under the working title of the Early Development and Learning Framework - I think ) Parent's groups are up in arms about babies being 'taught' from birth and 'children's childhood being taken away from the moment they leave the maternity ward' What they are actually referring to (in my opinion) is the confirmation of the nought to five curriculum which will incorporate BTTM and FS, but by calling it the new title have caused unnecessary alarm. …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 24 replies
I am mentoring a trainee teacher at the moment and she really lacks confidence. When she needs to get a groups a attention she only uses a little voice. I've said to her that there are other ways to get the childrens attention other then with her voice. For example, start clapping a pattern that the children will start to follow, sing a short familiar tune that would always sybolise coming together, play simon says! But I need more ideas. What do you do to get the childrens attention??
Really Easy Recipe Needed
by Guest- 29 replies
Does anyone know a really simple biscuit recipe please? I would like to make some this week. Thanks
Songs For Colour & Light
by Guest- 1 reply
Colour & Light is the topic for this half term, although, come December it will rapidly change to Christmas. I'm fine for activities & tomorrow will be asking the children about colour & light, but I'm really stuck for songs relating to this topic; all I've thought of so far is Twinkle Twinkle & the Rainbow song. Please help me!