All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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by Guest- 7 replies
Hello again, Jacqui here. I am still gathering evidence for my staff meeting on the Misconceptions of Early Years Education. I have subheaded it into 4 sections. The misconceptions of parents, teachers and other professionals, misconceptions of play and staffing ratios. I have been delighted with some of the my research has discovered and wondered if anyone had any experiences that I could include. One teacher in KS2 actually said at a staff meeting ... ' it's only nursery it doesn't really count', ... another fellow professional asked a EY colleague if she was starting at nursery and working her way up? Others have even admitted they felt they had little if no status…
Strange Behaviour
by Guest- 6 replies
Any one any thoughts on why a child, nearly 4, wants to hide everything during a pre-school session. He usually empties everything out the home corner and piles it all up behind the bookcase! We left him once to see what he would do next, after we moved the bookcase to another position so he couldn't hide things there. He piled everything up in a corner; dolls clothes, balls, all the food, books, cars, you name it he hid it! and tried to use a stacker box to conceal it. If we sit in the home corner and interact with him he plays lovely but as soon as you move he starts to pile everything up. He is encouraging another child to join in and stopping other children from e…
Newly Registered
by Guest- 9 replies
I have just opened a pre school for children from 2 to school age in my local village... we are just coming to the end of our second week !! After discovering this wonderful site i thought i'd ask if any one has any advice they would be happy to pass on i have worked in preschools before, and also work in reception at my local school, have done for the last four years. I have super staff and super children, but want to feel as if things are just right for when Ofsted walk through our doors Also has any one any ideas for a register. I have developed many drafts but cant seem to get it just right... I look forward to reading your replies and also being able to share…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
by Guest- 18 replies
Hi, I have just received a bundle of advertising materials; 1/ 18 boxes of Kandoo toilet tissue to give to parents ( I have 30 on the register, how can this be fair?) and an offer to request a teacher training pack on healthy practice lessons. 2/ Leaflets advertising SKY TV, to hand out 3/ PLA chequebook, this is distributed every year to PLA members and consists of a book full of money off vouchers for parents, plus some early years general info. How do others feel about Companies Advertising via preschools? I personally don't feel comfortable with it. A/ because I don't endorse all the products myself. B/ because there is never enough to dis…
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, We have had two reported cases of impetigo at the playgroup within the last 2 days. One mum, who is a teacher herself, has said that we will need to disinfect every single object in the nursery. I have changed the sand, made new playdough and wiped all surfaces already. Do I need to scrub every toy that has been played with in the last week or so? Please nooooo!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 14 replies
Today 2 children were sent home with head lice. Both had eggs and lots of live crawlers. One parent was totally unaware and the other parent had treated the child the night before.In the past I have asked parents to keep their child away untill they have been treated but should there be an exclusion period.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
What A Morning
by Guest alisonjayne- 9 replies
I have just had the worst morning ever. We have a child in our setting that we have to watch all the time, this morning when he came through the doors we knew we were in for one heck of a session, firstly the paint was tipped into he water tray, paintbrushes stuffed into waterpumps and water then tipped out of tray this was just the beginning. On the carpet he got an areoplane and shoved it into the face of the child next to him, when an adult intervened he pulled the hair of another child ripped the register, nipped and scratched adult and child and had to be removed from the carpet, as the adult did this he slapped her very hard in the face. We have been using lots of …
Adult - Child Ratio
by Guest- 20 replies
Hi can anyone tell me for certain the adult to child ratio for a foundation unit? I have recently taken the post of reception teacher, I have 44 children, 2 nursery nurses and myself. The classroom has been renovated over the Summer, 2 classrooms knocked through to one with half wet play area and half carpeted. The size of the class is very large. As a FSU we will also be accomodating nursery children twice a week. I have requested another nursery nurse but have been told we have to be accomodating 46 children. Thanks Jacqui
- 10 replies
I have a new three year old child in my nursery who is not yet toilet trained and has only just finished breast feeding. She is from an Arabic family. Mum insists on staying with her all session and I am allowing this at the moment to help her child settle in and to try to build up Mum's confidence. Her child is really lapping up all the activties available. She is not happy to let me deal with toileting, although I have gone through our continence procedures with her - they are very supportive.( thanks to everyone's advice on here) I am encouraging Mum to do an activity with other children as well, so that her child learns some idependence. We had another chat on Frida…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 6 replies
I have just moved into Nursery this term and find that there are very few programmes suitable for the nursery children. I know they used Cbeebies but I feel that this wasn't really approprite all the time. Any good suggestions please?