All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 24 replies
Dear all, I have just been registered by Ofsted as a daycare provider, and officially opened the pre-school in sept. I have 6 children attending the nursery at present between the ages of 2-4, (registered for 26 children) the problem is we seem (myself , the manager and 1 nursery assistant) not to be structured, and am afraid that once we have at least 20 children it might get really difficult to get into a right routine. My background is not in the pre-school field, but it has been my ambition to set a pre-school, l will be undertaking a DPP course shortly. I employed a manager who has 4 years experience, but not as a manager she was a room leader in a private …
Interview Questions
by Guest- 8 replies
I have been asked to sit on a panel to interview a new manager.The last one they chose was a disaster and had no idea of the Foundation Stage,planning ,observations etc and left after five weeks!The committee have the usual set ogf questions,what 2 questions should i ask that could tell that she had some knowledge of above? I thought one name what subjects come under the areas of learning?Help need your advice!Thanks.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2186, -
- 4 replies
Helloooooo Had a lovely health Visitor in today to talk to us about the smile for life scheme. Is anyone else doing / or done this? i got application in post for it as soon as i left nursery..........
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Can anyone help? I would like to tackle the topic of sesnes through stories- after the 1/2 term as a carry on from "all about me". I have so far got taste- Oliver's vegetables, Handa's surprise and Gingerbread man for sight - Lucy's pictture Brown bear brown bear touch- ? hearing Any animal story? smell? Any suggestions welcome i need to be all singign all dancing as we are being ofsteded
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 19 replies
Me again.................... Done snowmen....snowflakes....lanterns...candles....father xmas's... any new ideas for simple christmas cards!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Nappy Changing
by Guest- 17 replies
Can somebody help me- :wacko: I am a nursry teacher in a state school and for the first time we have taken a child in nappies- he can run, dribble a ball, argue and use the mouse (and swtitch off the computer) etc but is not yet toilet trained- nothing medically wrong with him except born to lazy, busy parents . I had initially thought of having a book when each nappy change could eb documented, supervised and signed off but in reality there seems to be so much happening that it is impossible for one member of staff to change the child and for the 2nd member of staff to leave what she was doing to supervise the change and write out the details etc. We are so busy th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Daily Routines In Nursery 1 2
by Guest- 46 replies
Im presently in a nursery attached to a VA school while the teacher is on sick leave. Its a nice school and the staff and parents are friendly so Im enjoying my stint. However Im having a lot of problems with matching up what I would like to be doing with the children with what is happening as part of their normal routine.I would love some input as to what happens in your nursery so as to make suggestions to help them improve the routines as I feel that they could be tightened up without too much pressure being put on the staff. The routine is as follows; 1.Doors open and children come in with parents. The children are greeted with a formal "Good Morning/aftern…
- 12 replies
Hi I need some suggestions to make life easier for a little boy aged 2 and a half starting in my group next week. He does not speak any English having lived in France all his life. His mum is French but his dad is English. They are both anxious for him to settle in and for him to learn English
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 4 replies
Hi, myself and 2 friends are thinking of setting up our own nursery, using a rented property. Obviously we will need to research this but where do we start?? Ofsted?, planning dept?, who? Any web sites with help will be gratefully received. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Lunch Times
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all, Got a question for you, hpoe you can help. I currently run a full day care setting. We have the children for 2 1/2 hrs in the moring then from 12-1 is lunches (paid seperate) and the afternoon session follows from 1-3.30 (to cover funded sessions) My question is, When i am running the lunch time session, do i still have to have the 50% qualified staff on the premises or can non qualified staff run it ( they all have CRB checks, first aid and 2 with food hygiene) I have been told by some that i dont have to, but then got pulled up for being out of the setting (on my lunch break time i went to shop to buy my lunch) and was told i should not have left…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,