All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Please Help!
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, Hope this message finds you all in good health. I am asking/begging for some help and advice regarding an interview for a wonderful job this Friday I have been asked to do a five minute presentation on 'steps to developing a high quality neighbourhood nursery' EASY i hear you all shout, which is what i thought when i sat down to prepare the thing. So why oh why has my brain decided to walk out on me now? I honestly can't think of many things to put down at all, in my present job i was heavily involved with the planning an development of the nursery and had great ideas, WHERE ARE THEY NOW?? Your help would be greatly appreciated as I really like the soun…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
Continuous Provision
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi, my name is Sue and this is first tentative time on forum. Yikes! I have taken over a school nursery and would like to make the planning easier. Would'nt we all?I want to display the learning intentions for each of my areas and wondered if there was a pre-printed format or whether any one had any good ideas. Hope this gets posted if only to prove that yes I can operate simple equipment! Thanx.
Dream Job Interview
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi Chaps Here I go again. Anothert interview for my dream job...teaching in a nursery attached to a primary school. Interview on Friday. So....any hot topics I should know about?, that I may be asked. Thanks Kate Sorry if you've read this before. I tried posting, but it didn't work.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Planning Pro Formas
by Guest- 6 replies
Am I dreaming or are there some planning formats flying around this forum somewhere...cos I need to have a look at them for this interview on Friday. Thanks Kate
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Any Ideas For Name?
by Guest- 0 replies
At nursery we take children from 4 months to 5 years. We have the seperate age ranges, babies (0-18months) toddlers (18months-3 years) then the '3-5s' which used to be called 'preschool' but we decided to change this. I don't like 'pre-school'- sounds just like we're 'preparing' them. Thing is 3-5s sounds a bit strange. Does anyone have any ideas for what to call this age range? I thought about the babies being acorns, the toddlers seedlings, the pre-school oaktrees but this is a bit twee maybe! Any ideas welcome! It is a big nursery and we have many rooms, which we call blue room orange room etc but i was also thinking of new names for these but am a bit stuck!
Advice Please - What Would You Do ?
by Guest- 13 replies
Would be so grateful for your views on this ......... Summer outing next week to our local park - soft play activity centre and 2 train rides round the park!Total cost to parent £3.50 - no admission charge for adults (no contribution reqd. from Pre-school) Approx no. of children = 40 so will need lots of parent helpers. And now the question ....!!!!!!!! Supposing a fee paying child (as opposed to a funded child ) goes on the trip, and their parent offers to come as a parent helper. So they are effectively looking after their own child and probably another one too, they are paying the full cost of the trip - do I re-imburse them the fees for that day ???…
Lunch Break
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi all, I posted a topic ages ago regarding lunch breaks....we had 15 minutes a day at the time ....we now get that PLUS a 30 min lunch break! Yipeee.!!... The inspectors picked up on the fact we weren't having enough breaks! Any of you out there who do not get a break - whatever you do then go to either a) ACAS or your union, they can advise you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
dues to being oversubscribed next year for nursery places, we have decided to offer a mixture of part and full time places, for the first time. (we have always been full time). Ive usuallay worked with either full or part time children, not both, and wondered how you manage to maintain equal entitlement to both part time groups and also to the full time children. At the moment our day is structured so that our morning and afternoons are quite different, the morning being longer, for example; having differnt snacks avialable; use of the hall in the morning; cooking etc which we do in the mornings because that is when everyone else in the school are not using the resou…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Lunchbreaks In Preschool
by Guest valletta- 21 replies
we are now doing full day care on a wed and friday till 3.00pm how do you cover lunchbreaks with the staff - from 12.15 to 1.15 is lunch then the p.m. session starts from 1.15 - 2.45 do you have half an hour then a member of staff covers you, or a hour? we have been trying to get the staff to c over this but finding it difficult - any suggestions would be very grateful half an hour is very short and most of the time if shopping locally have to wait in queues - do yo have to leave the premises? also how do you get the children to eat lunch then calm down - do you introduce a short sleep with in mind that they are 3-4yrs, or quiet structured play? …
Watchout Headlice About!
by Guest- 18 replies
How do you deal with cases of headlice, just had an encounter with a parent who denies her child has headlice, during circle time i noticed several live ones crawling across his head!!! We don't have a 'nit' policy, how do you all deal with this do you send them home? Advice please, itch itch