All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 9 replies
Hi We are a small morning only pre-school and to keep up with what is offered by other settings in the area we have made a decision to open for afternoon session as well. We believe there is a need for this as we have lost two children due to the fact we could not offer afternnons. We would like to any advice or experiences from anyone who has done this.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 13 replies
We had our unannounced inspection on 23/6/15, our inspector was very thorough but it was a positive experience. We received outstanding for the second time and are so happy x x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
- 9 replies
We have a child 3 1/2 years old who dis plays odd behaviour -he will run across a room to kick over someone's tower, walk past them and nip them or knock their hat off, squeeze their arm or pull their hair. He doesn't do this hard enough to cause pain but definitely hard enough so the other child notices. On a 2 hour session I observed him do this 23 times. He speaks well but isn't a good listener in conversations so I don't think its the only way he can communicate Never seen this kind of thing before-any suggestions - it's almost like he is just doing it to get a reaction from them
- 3 replies
Has anyone made their own website using this company. Its a address .I am unable to login I get a message saying that their is a problem with the website security certificate.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Background Music
by Guest- 13 replies
Hi all, I was having a discussion with a colleague today about playing music on the iPod/radio. Whilst there are obvious benefits, we were discussing any detrimental effect of near-constant background music on language development. Also, as an adult, I feel a sensory overload when entering the preschool room of 32 children plus blaring music. Any thoughts, comments, articles etc would be much appreciated.
- 3 replies
Some of my key children are attempting to write words/sentences which are phonetically sounded (independently!) what would you recommend these children's next steps included the children are leaving soon before they start school in September. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 19 replies
Hi i work at a pack away pre school that is based in a church Hall which has very limited storage. We have been advised by our early years adviser that we should have a changing station with steps up to it to change our nappies ! . At present we have always changed nappies on the stage behind a curtain. Of course in the past most children who entered pre school were not in nappies but as the age has dropped most of the 2 yr olds we have a now in nappies ! I just wondered what have pack away pre schools do ? This piece of equipment is going to be very expensive and bulky and not easy to move . Ant advice and experience would be appreciated . regards …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127, -
Postpone sports day?
by Guest- 15 replies
Hi Due to have sports day on Thurs morning just after 9am and I am watching the weather closely due to this heatwave. At what point would you think of postponing to another day? Thurs is supposed to be cooler at around 25C but is this still too hot do you think? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
starting up
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi im setting up as a childminder, ive done my training, sent off my health documents but im struggling with my dbs. Ive printed off the forms but how do i find/get my application number?? Please help....x
- 2 replies
Please could someone explain childminder ratios with and without an assistant. Thank you x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4562,