All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 9 replies
Maybe I am dreaming but I am sure I read a message recently about a left handed computer mouse. (that reads as though the mouse has hands! but you know what I mean) but I can't find it now! Has anyone got one?? In my setting we have special scissors for left handed children but nothing else I can think of specifically aimed for left handed children. Just interested to hear any strategies or equipement anyone may have to help these children
by Guest- 0 replies
Please look at my website
- 8 replies
Hi all Need some help again... Need to do an easter service with my little ones, (2 1/2 - 5). Trouble is this year as we are still waiting for Ofsted i hav'nt even started to practise our usual play. Has anyone got any simple straightforward ideas i can use that will take the minium organisation, practise etc as i cannot think about anything too complex this yaer. Thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Outdoor Provision
by Guest Denno- 1 reply
Hello! I'm new to the group & to nursery & I desperately need your help. I have the task of setting up & planning for outdoor provision in our nursery as so far it hasn't happened. We are inner city & a deprived area. I'm hoping to avoid any pitfalls & get it right 1st time. I want to read up on the rationale behind outdoor learning environments & its provision and any specific studies or research, especially relating to gender, SEN & language development , so that I'm fully informed. Can anyone point me in the right direction for published literature or research documents to help with the planning, setting up and future development. (As you w…
Last reply by Steve, -
- 13 replies
ok here goes When i took over as supervisor in our setting we had a senco in place, she is still with us, but not for much longer (to cut a long story short i let her get away with a lot of things because she is our senco and because i suppose im frightened of loosing the senco and having to find someone to replace her). all the other staff are upset by her and its got to the point where she has had 3 verbal and one written warning. i suppose what im worried about is replacing her, i know the very basics eg where to go if there is a problem but she has been on all the courses. Please can anyone give me advice on what experience their sencos have and am i just being…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Trainee Teacher In Nursery
by Guest Nina- 8 replies
Hi! I have just started my final teaching placement in a Nursery class and am finding it hard to get my head around how to organise the day (was in a reception class before this) I would be gratedful for any tips. I have 4 other adults to 'manage' throughout the placement, something that I finiding a bit daunting. If anyone has any advice I would really appreciate it. Thanks Nina P.s Also if you have any brill ideas around the 'theme minibeasts' it would be a great help!
Last reply by Helen, -
- 33 replies
As part of my SENCO role I have to attend so many days training each year and I went on a course yesterday entitled "Inclusion of children with medical/physical needs" I was talking to practitioners who had children in pre-school with naso-gastric tubes, one child was totally oxygen dependant, another had sever anaphylaxis to name but a few. The course I am currently studying for my Foundation Degree is INclusive Education and i would be interested to hear any views on how you interpret the term "inclusive" I personally think that wherever possible a child should be included in mainstream early years settings but I also feel that in making such a decision there a…
- 3 replies
Hi - A new member, Twinkle, has asked me to post this message for her. Any help would be gratefully received: ---------------------------------------------- Hello I wondered if you could help me? I'm going for an interview for a deputy job and I have a question to answer and I have to talk for 5 mins about how I would implement the learning goals for the children. I'm quite aware of the learning goals as I already learn and teach but I am nervous about this question and I just hope that I use the right words. I do really want this job because ive been offered a job to work overseas with a well known flight company. So I wondered if you give me some tips …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 23 replies
hi all the chat room was great tonight... sorry for all that missed it.. steve - there should be a regular time for all to join in if available... it really would be fun if more joined in (although it was fun of course with the 5 of usl)
Speech And Language
by Guest- 3 replies
Can anyone help me please? I have several children in my setting who are seeing the local speech and langauge therapists. We are being told that we should be doing the Jolly Phonics speech theme with them and that is what they are recommending parents do at home with their children. We do not do any specific scheme in general as a nursery and I am wary of jumping on this Jolly Phonics bandwagon. I know it exists as there are books galore in the Early Learning Centre. I just wondered whether anyone did this in their setting and if so how they do it and for what reason. My link school don't do it - they say they do the government scheme (!) but cannot…
Last reply by Steve,