All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Special Needs?
by Guest Libra- 2 replies
I'm new here but wondered if anyone could help. A 4year old started at the nursery in Aug 2003. In the first week, she was into everything (a whirlwind you might say) but because she had never attended a childcare setting before there was no real concern, we thought it was just excitement. Over the last few months we have become increasingly worried about her strange behaviour especially compared to the others in our setting.. when a carer sits or plays with her on a 1:1 basis, her attention is excellent, she may remain at one activity upto and over a hour in length. However, we cannot always provide the 1:1 care which she so obviously needs. Specific obser…
Playgroup Supervisors Salary
by Guest- 22 replies
Would anyone be willing to help...... At our playgroup there are two supervisors. Both NNEB and one of us has the ADCE....We both share the education side of things, eg planning and profiles etc. We have just had our contratcs (from our manager-who also works as a playgroup assisitant), this has been a long time coming, anyway........ Our salary is currently £5.80 per hour. We are interested in how this compares to others in the same sort of situation with the same responsibity. The playgroup assistants get only a little bit less than this. We do get paid for planning but not for staff meetings. Anyone willing to help, I have tried to find out info from PANN but…
Parent Planning Information
by Guest- 3 replies
I'm interested to hear what you guys put up for parents to read each week. Do you put up the weekly planning, medium term or long term ? We currently don't show the full weekly planning on the parents notice board, however they could see it on the wall in the hall if they were observant or nosey enough! We do put up an activity/objective summary though. What did ofsted say about the info you give for parents................ We haven't had our inspection yet.......... TIA
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 reply
Hi all Im sick of doing the same thing each year (hiding little eggs or bunnies around the garden for the children to find). Has anyone got any different ideas i could use!!!!!! PLease
- 2 replies
hi all, we have a show/tell time in our group with up to 24 children, where all the children sit and we talk, they show the things they have bought in or tell us about somthing!!! I have been reading on the forum about everyone elses circle time and would like to know whats the best way to organise this. I.E how many children do you involve? whats the best way to run.. a teddy passed round or something it best to concentrate on one issue at a time like behavior?
- 19 replies
hi all just to say hope you all have a good week off if its half term for you next week. Ive finished now - would like to say a bit thank goodness but cant as Ofsted still havnt been.... never mind
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Pre-school/playgroup Support Groups
by Guest- 3 replies
About 4 years ago the pre-schools in Stockport had become very disillusioned with the service provided by the Pre-school Learning Alliance. Two colleagues decided to set up a local support group called Stockport Pre-school Providers and I joined them at the outset and became the treasurer. We charge £25 membership fees. We send out a newsletter every half term with upto date info for groups, book reviews etc. and meet every half term also. We have been given a networking grant by Stockport EYDCP to enable us to hire venues for meetings and to publish the newsletter. We also buy equipment, such as story sacks and larger items that take up a lot of room, and loan them out t…
Setting Up A Nursery
by Guest- 4 replies
Help please. I am in my second year of teaching (reception) and have become increasingly more disillusioned with early years teaching in schools (both private and state). I feel that many schools do not value the importance of play and still see it as something they do after 'work'. I am therfore increasingly more interested in setting up my own nursery (small scale) but have no ideas of the legal and financial aspects. Is there anybody out there who could suggest possible contacts, give ideas and share any experiences they have had with their own nursery? many thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Snack Time
by Guest- 7 replies
A new member to the forum posted in introduce yourself and said that "the powers that be" in the school she is just starting at have decided to do away with snack time-they felt it was a waste of time! I thought it would be interesting to find out what people thought about snack time. Do all settings provide a snack? Do you feel it has a purpose? Do you do it just because it is what has always happened or other groups have snack time? I know that some of our local schools now receive fruit and vegetables to give to the children-if you are involved in this what do feel about it? Does it work-do the children enjoy what they are given etc? Stockport, as a health authority,…
Snack Bars
by Guest sophie- 3 replies
hi does anyone use a snackbar in their pre-school, nursery etc. I would like to start one. Do you keep them open all session, part of session are they continually staffed, how is it kept clean, etc?