All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Diploma In Pre-school Practice
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Is there anyone out there doing the D.P.P.? I am half way through module 3 and it would be good to chat with anyone who is going through the course. Jackie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_534, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone I need an opinion of a child who started with us last term. when he arrived aged 2 1/2 exactly mum said he was like a whilwind didnt have contact with other childen etc. he is exactly as she said cannot settle to anything, rushes about knocking over everthing and everbody in his way. I felt before half term that he just needed time to settle into the enviroment as he had had no social contact but after half a term this week he has seemed to have got worse. i have started observing him and basically am now realising that there is a problem and am going to have to approach mum. New news has also come to light week that he goes to every toddler group going …
- 6 replies
Hi - I'm posting this on behalf of a member who prefers not to post it herself. Any ideas anyone?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
Playgroup Network
by Guest- 3 replies
I have just become a member of the management committee for Playgroup Network and was wondering if any groups, apart from those who are already members, know about us. Playgroup Network was set up some years ago as an alternative to the Pre-school Learning Alliance and works with playgroups and pre-schools around the country. Presently there are 15 group members representing pre-schools and playgroups in the north east, Yorkshire, Stockport, Norfolk and the south. I am trying to find out if groups have heard about us and know what we do, how you would join etc. I would be grateful if settings could let me know one way or the other. Thanks Linda
- 3 replies
I saw the paragraph in the surestart document about increase to £416.00. then Isat up till 2.00a.m. changing all my computer settings, then the next morning a letter from Harriet Hill plops through the letterbox telling me that the funding is stayin at £406.00. when I enquired as to why this was I was told that it is to enable all elligable funded children to continue getting the funding. I can;t remember when the funding last increased, all I know is the cost of running the pre-school is rising all the time. Now it seems that the schools are muscling in on our children through early Admissions. Apparently schools do not have to do their own funding callculations, if…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
- 6 replies
please help!! I run a pre school and up to this term have run my keyworker system as follows; 4 members of staff had 8 keyworker children each took them out as a group once a week and did basic shapes numbers name writing etc plus do 2 obsrvations each 6 weeks and all work collected in a folder to go home to parents. then became aware over various training sessions that we were not doing enoufgh observations on the children and in some groups this is all they do. so this term decided to scrap group time (bad idea) and concentrate on 6 obsevations one from each ELG on each child each half term. bad idea again that means each member of staff is doing 48 observations eve…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Artists In School
by Guest sam- 7 replies
I'm 'The Arts' leader in my infant school and i'm keen to work with an artist on a creative project in the nursery next year. Who has got experience in working with artists? How did you get in touch with them? How smoothly did it go? If you have any tips i'd like to hear them Also in the future i'm looking to apply for the Artsmark for our school. Has anybody successfully done this at their setting? Thanks
Inclusive Nurseries
by Guest- 2 replies
My vision for the future is for all children with special needs to be educated alongside mainstream children. I have only come across a few nurserys where inclusive practice is good practice, but these are still not fully inclusive. How hard do you think it would be to open a nursery where all staff are trained in special needs early education and the equipment is suitable for both mainstream children and those with special needs? Does anybody know of any settings where full inclusion has been successful?
Last reply by Helen, -
Finding Nurseries For Sale
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi. We are a professional couple with experience in day care. We sold up last year and are now seeking a nursery to buy, but struggling a bit to find one. Particularly interested in South Wales, South West, Yorkshire, Lakes, but any location considered. Can you recommend any good sources of nurseries for sale? Thanks
Last reply by Steve, -
- 7 replies
I have a child at playgroup who is almost 3 years old and is still not combining words. His vocabulary is very poor and his speech is difficult to understand. His mother is very concerned - should she be? Also he is very disruptive at playgroup, often being very physical with the other children and hurting them. Having watched him carefully I think he is attention seeking. I have my own ideas about how to proceed but would welcome advice from others. Beau
Last reply by Steve,