All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 11 replies
I am quite cross with this I have just received an e mail from my LA, saying that they still have places for a 2 hour briefing session for Ofsted Readiness, Changes to Statutory Framework (£50 per head) . Nothing wrong with that I suppose, but they say this is VITAL INFORMATION NOT TO BE MISSED. If it is VITAL, then in my opinion it should be free to all to attend - charging for vital stuff is really poor practice I think. Vital - is an adjective meaning - essential, crucial, key, necessary, required, important, critical. Thank goodness it's Friday, I very nearly got over-wrought there!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
ofsted inspection on eyfs update
by Guest- 1 reply
Anyone changed safeguarding policy for changes of sen code practise. I use pacey for my policy anyone do anything different. Thxs 4 any help
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
- 5 replies
Hi, I have never merged the ratio is all the years of working in early years. I follow 1:3 1:4 1:8 I my new job we had been told to merge the ratio, but only older to younger, this is very confusing as they stated you can have two babies and still a two year or three year old. They state it is dependent on how many children you currently have depending if you can have a whole person/third of a person. I do not understand this, I have been following the statutory guidance form the eyfs.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_38649, -
- 15 replies
Am so glad it's Friday for so many reasons. Anyone else feel like they are juggling about twenty plates in the air just to keep going? Am truly worn out and worn down at the end of this week. And no it's not really the children that have me like this. I have a lovely staff but they are like flaming sheep, they are more than happy to just let me run around like a blue ***** fly and initiate and lead everything that goes on. I knew it was going to be hard in September because my wonderful deputy of fourteen years has retired but I am knackered all ready!! Sorry to moan, but am feeling a bit down and its only the beginning of term.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14268, -
- 3 replies
Just had to share. Little one in the pre-school today needing to be changed, he dodged his key person and ran out into the building into the free flow outside area to join the other children completely starkers. (after having 'rolled everything around' on the large exercise ball we have) when his key person caught up with him he said and I quote 'no don't like you lady your a fat troll' hehehe shouldn't laugh but I really found this funny, she got pants on him before he ran over to the tuff spot and 'laid in the water
- 5 replies
HI all Not sure if this is quite the right thread for this but I just had to ask this question as I am a little taken aback. It appears that a new member of my team has done an early years degree course but I have found out today that it contained NO play module. I am flabbergasted to say the least, I just can't get my head around how a level 6 qualification in 'early years' the one place in the whole of a child's education that hinges on play does not touch this in any way shape or form. speechless!!!! :blink: :huh:
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
My mind boggles!! I have a new starter who is doing four sessions over three days. The first day Mum and great Gran bring her to school, (the Mum is very young, so I think Great Gran lends lots of support) The child is very strong willed but also quite insecure, so we are getting a balance of being kind and supportive but also quite firm with her. We are gradually getting there and the screaming and temper tantrums are becoming shorter. Yesterday morning five members of the family bring her to school, Mum, Great Gran, Great Uncle, Great uncles partner and her son!!! All of them saying different things to try and placate her!! As soon as I was able to whip the child aw…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 5 replies
I've just moved to a new school as EYFS leader and our nursery is very low on numbers. I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for advertising and 'enticing' parents to send their children to your school nursery? I think the problem we have is that we are in an area that has a lot of private nurseries offering wrap around child care where we only offer 5 mornings or 5 afternoons a week. The Reception classes (two of them) are full so there are no problems with numbers as the children enter school, it's just nursery!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 29 replies
Not sure if this is the right place for this and sorry if not I wasn't sure where to post. Just wondering how you go about asking parents for suggestions/ input into the provision you provide? And whether anyone had any template questionnaires? Each child has a progress book which goes home at least termly and parents are encouraged to write things in relating to the eyfs points and also about anything they want relating to the nursery. There is a page in the front for them to do this although hardly anyone writes anything in, they just sign and date leaving the comments bit blank!! We do lots of liaising with parents via Facebook group, email etc but struggle when it c…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46692, -
- 7 replies
Hi, Can anyone offer some guidance on the following please. We have two staff members qualified at a level six so the ratio is 1:13. However is this just for the 3 - 4 year olds can you count children who are 2 and a half in this. ??? So far we follow the ratio 1:4 for the under 3's, and 1: 8 for 3 plus. At times we do go over for the 3plus however we do not go up to 13 for one member. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_50986,