All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Help! Need a really quick drying dough recipe (like salt dough)
by Guest Spiral- 2 replies
Has anyone got a recipe that we can use that could be cooked in the oven? Can't believe we forgot to do the craft for our leavers ceremony Spiral :-0
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 32 replies
is it us or is everybody finding that children are coming to settings with increasingly more extreme behaviour? We have had a real day of it today and this will be a third child this year that needs massive amounts of behaviour support, and the language....! I have never had a year like it for three year olds saying phrases and words I wouldn't expect from teenagers that alone pre-schoolers!!!! (ok maybe I would from teenagers but it wouldn't be pleasant!!! :blink: ) My staff are pretty much run ragged from the extra stress and demands this puts on you, I mean this behaviour is extreme!!! and with only about two weeks left can't see us getting any support, its hard en…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_665, -
- 8 replies
Hi all After the summer we have lots of little ones who will only just be 2. We also have 3yr olds and some nearly 4! We use one hall in a village hall. There is only me and 1 other member of staff. How do you go about planning for such a wide range of ages? If we plan for 2yr olds then the older ones are not challenged enough and planing for the older ones means little ones are not able to do some of the activities. Sorry if this seems obvious I just can't think!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31531, -
- 10 replies
Hi all I was just wondering if anyone had any top tips for a brand new (and slightly nervous!) childminder about to start out? Thanks in advance for your replies/suggestions xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_46692, -
- 7 replies
My setting ( a private day nursery ) are planning on revamping our outdoor area. We currently have a concrete bike garden, a designated garden for babies and a large space which hss concreted aread either side of a section of safety matting. What would you say you have found to be essential for your outdoor area to be effective? Any resources that you couldnt live without? What do your children get the kost out of? Interested to hear everyones views
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 14 replies
ok one of our 3 years olds was quoting things from TOWIE this week...made us all feel a little uneasy. What would you do? challenge and suggest this is wrong...or is it not my business?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
- 8 replies
Hi all We have made a maths area at pre-school which our improvement advisor loves! It consists of different sorts of counters, maths puzzles, scales, tape measures, dices, sorting bowls and a few other bits. When we set it up we only had 3/4yr olds and a couple of 2 1/2 yr olds so it worked well and was used every session in some way. Now we have a got new 2yr olds starting and some just under 2s joining us for settling in sessions. Because of their age, they are emptying all tubs all over the floor and generally messing the whole room up! Have any of you got any advice on how we can still use the maths area in September with the new little ones and our…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 1 reply
If you don't want agencies then its important you respond to the UKCMA survey. UKCMA are representing minders all over and will be having a meeting at Westminster soon but TIME IS VERY VERY SHORT You need to do a few simple things: Respond to and share the PETITION far and wide (find the links on Facebook Page One Voice Together for Quality or Repsond to the UKCMA survery (again on One Voice links) This is SO important - the Bill has been passed and this is probably one of the last opportunites to fight it hard..... don't bury your head
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1316, -
- 2 replies
- 1.1k views This is a blog by Penny Webb a childminder amongst many other things.She recentlymet Lord Storey in the House of Lords to talk about the proposed childminder agencies. A very interesting read
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1316, -
- 8 replies
It must be nearing the end of the summer term and am in need of some fresh ideas for both fine and gross motor activities. Please share yours. :rolleyes:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2127,