All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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- 3 replies
Hello all, I'm in need of your help and ideas. The more the merrier. I've just purchased a black gazebo and its set up in a spare classroom. It has fairy lights and sensory resources, beanbags etc. I intend to use it for, story time, 1:1 activities, and various small group activities. It will be used by all the age groups (3 months - 5 years). My problem is what to call it. It's only been up a week, and I don't want 'the sensory tent' to stick. My mind is full and blank all at the same time! So I'm throwing out there to you. Feel free to add your experiences in sensory areas too! I look forward to all of your suggestions.
school nurseries release time
by Guest- 12 replies
hi all! i'm in nursery and get my ppa each week, but feel my 2 senior early years educators need time out too. our head says no. they are paid for 1/4 hour before nursery (which is used for setting up) and 1/2 hour after. by the time the children have gone and we have chatted about the morning and thought about what needs adding to planning for next day there might be 10 minutes left, which is not enough time to do 12/13 folders - we stick in post-its/photos and write next steps. and with 33 children, 10 of whom are rising 3's, there is no way we can do it in session. what do you do?
- 18 replies
i have just returned from a course about communication friendly spaces provided by elizabeth jaram - it was really great and inspiring - its all about improving childrens speaking and listening skills - how to provide effective places for children to talk. some points that have come out from this - displays -how do your children relate and interact with them - who are they for - how could you make them more meaningful and interactive - do they trigger talk calm space-is there an overload of colours for children trying to concentrate - are there any visually calm areas - create one and see what the difference it makes to behaviour and language cosy space-do you have so…
Potty Training Help!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all Im a child minder who looks after a little boy who is 3yrs in March. He is not yet potty trained as he has so far not shown any interest and does not communicate when he needs to go. When he does a poo, he would sit in it all day. If I say 'have you done a poo?' he comes over for me to check his nappy but wont let me know he has done one. I am aware that he is getting older and have therefore tried him on the potty. he is very happy to sit there but has not done a wee. Dad was very excited yesterday as the child happened to do a wee on the potty at home when sat on it. I think this is just a coincidence that he happended to need a wee as he was sat on th…
Snow day!
by Guest- 13 replies
I went into work this morning but then it was decided that school and therefore nursery would shut. So by 9am I was home. Now I am deep into catching up with learning journeys and paperwork. I wondered if you are saving a snow day, what are you doing?
- 8 replies
I'm a childminder and my last inspection was June 2009, my friend was due last Feb and still no signs of them catching up yet. Hope i get to the summer months now and the kids are all playing outside, thats if we are having a summer. I always find inspections stressfull trying to carry on doing your daily activities but while the inspecter fires questions at you at the same time. :unsure:
school nurseries - gritting
by Guest- 9 replies
just wondering what your caretaker does in terms of gritting. yesterday our rubber surface was really slippy with all the compacted snow. the concrete area had patches of black ice. this was after the caretaker had gritted. we had lots of complaints from parents and one girl slipped over on a patch of black ice. we had to grit to enable the children to play outside, as ours really need/like to be outside. should he just grit a narrow pathway or our whole outside area? we have only had a tiny amount of snow. what do yours do?
- 9 replies
can anyone recommend any books or resources to support a child with same sex parents? Does anyone else have experience of this? Don't want to randomly order books, would prefer some recommendations thank-you
- 2 replies
We have a desktop computer that I would like to get rid of - The room is extremely small and I think the room it takes up could be put to better use in extending the home corner or cosy area which I feel is more beneficial to that age group I know my manager will disagree with me so I am wanting any suggestions or research that would discourage the use of a pc in this room. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35577, -
Communication friendly spaces
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi all, I am doing a focus group with a small group of practitioners to see if they feel communication friendly spaces really do work, and what the benefits and restraints may be in providing them. I am hoping some of you may have some good ideas on some questions i would be able to use. Thanks in advance