All Early Years settings & Childminders: General Issues
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Self-employed childminders & HMRC webinar - A basic guide to key Tax & NI issues affecting childminders This might be helpful to you! Sign up here
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 20 replies
Hello everybody - I hope you don't think this a strange question! At my nursery I am a room leader and I have a Level 3, but I am only 23. I have just found out that one of the other people in my room is going to get a big pay increase in April because the living wage has gone up. This means that she, who is unqualified, will be paid more than me - just because she is older. We all got a pay rise this year but it wasn't very much and now some people are getting even more and it doesn't feel very fair. I went to college to do my L3 and now I would get more per hour working in a supermarket, it's very frustrating. It is just me that this has happened to? Am I just moaning?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 16 replies
We're having a few issues with lunch boxes at the moment and i'm concerned about the amounts (either WAY too much or WAY too little!) I would like to produce a display for the hall to give some ideas/guidance ...does anyone have any good links/posters/info etc etc ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 1 reply
I have a three year old in my group who is too friendly/over familiar with any strangers that come into the group or who we meet out and about in the community. It was noticed by our LA visitor once and now her parents are concerned that she has no awareness of ‘stranger danger’. Taking her age into account and whilst not wishing to squash her beautiful friendly and trusting nature, how would you go about trying to teach her some awareness?
Last reply by FSFRebecca, -
- 5 replies
Our children seem to wreck whatever basket/tub we use to put toys/resources in. I've tried a few different ones but nothing seems sturdy enough. Has anyone come across something that is cheap but lasts well?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 0 replies
Hello all, I know forecasting and planning for places is a very difficult aspect to manage in most settings! I want to get a feel for what other settings do. The setting that I have just joined doesn't really plan ahead at the moment so there are no set number of places allocated and they just seem to recruit if they feel that they need more staff! To me this seems to be a very back to front way of doing things and I feel it hugely impacts on the general organisation. I think we need to have some form of forecasting. I would like to plan to offer a fixed number of full time places and a fixed number of part-time places based on the demand in the area as I ha…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_80714, -
- 2 replies
One of our local childminders has their inspection later this week ...any childminders out there ?...what are the inspectors hot on at the moment?????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 4 replies
Hi All Just wondering if any of your settings has an indoor/no shoe policy for children. We are a pre school in a large hall and children have free access to the garden. The hall is half carpet and lino. A parent brought up the suggestion of indoor shoes/no shoes. Manager has said she'll think about it but I can see it being difficult to manage. The children have wellies for wet days but otherwise the wear their normal shoes in and out. Parents also come into the hall also for drop off and pick up so can't see them removing shoes either! I can see the benefit of indoor shoes as there must be all kinds of nasties on shoes plus some children come 3…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 8 replies
So we have to put some canvases on our walls to try and improve the acoustics for our child with a hearing impairment. I have bought 12 very large plain canvases and plan to let the children decorate them. I have a few ideas but would be interested to know how you would decorate them?🙂 Edited to say they are 90 x90 cm.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43806, -
- 8 replies
Am looking to purchase a lot of new books with our EYPP money. What are your children’s favourites what could you not live without? We are pre-school age. Look forward to your suggestions.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,