Learning differences – SEND
445 topics in this forum
Next class topic?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 4 replies
Hi All. Hope the "glue and glitter" season is going well and that everyone is having fun with their special little ones??? We are busy making marks on hats and calendars, having lots of sensory Christams experiences and getting ready for parties, concerts a church service and disco!!!!! Next term our topic is "The World in my Town", and I was wondering if anyone had any "new and different ideas" for exploring it with my very special PMLD little bunch. Have some thoughts already, as done it 3 times before, but need some inspiration please. Thought of Asian culture in the town and all the lovely sparkly dresses to explore and the wonderful scents used in cooking, chine…
- 6 replies
Hi all We have a little girl at pre-school who is 3yrs old but on average is working between the level of an 8-20/16-26 month old in all areas, except physical- moving and handling For all of our children we have a next steps sheet which we choose 14 next steps for each child from development matters and plan for the these for one half term. Now I feel that in order to support this little girl in the best way possible this is not the best way to plan for her as her next steps are at a significantly lower level than the other. I would rather plan for her interests such as sensory activities. Does anyone else do this for children in their setting? Also, she se…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35585, -
Writing up a care plan
by Guest- 8 replies
We have a child with the following Diagnosis: Congenital CMV Cerebral Palsy: (all four limbs affected) Profoundly deaf with some visual impairment Epilepsy, ( takes the form of eye brow flickering and absences) Gastrostomy (peg) We have been told we need to have a Care Plan set up for this child. We have no Idear where to start writing one up, has any one got a care plan for somethink like this that they are willing to share with us.
ELKLAN Speech and Language Training
by Guest- 0 replies
SPEECH AND LANGUAGE SUPPORT FOR UNDER FIVES 3 day course in Birmingham This accredited course (Open College Network) is for staff working with children aged 2 - 5 years. The course provides information and strategies to develop the communication skills of all young children but especially those with speech, language and communication needs. Further information is available at www.elklan.co.uk The course will cost £295. This includes a course booklet, accreditation fee and marking of your portfolio. Course dates: Tuesday 5th, 12th, 19th March 2013 Times: 9.15am - 4.30pm Venue: St Luke's Church Centre, Great Colmore Street, Lee …
- 5 replies
I wondered how everyone was showing 'progress' using the revised EYFS and your thoughts on what good and outstanding progress looked like for the child with special needs. I ask this because these are the questions being raised in my school due to the expectations of ofsted. It is not enough it seems to show progress through their learning journeys and my inside out knowledge of the child. They want data, data, data!!! I wondered how other special schools are tackling this because I am sure I can't be alone.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5013, -
Language website
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi, can anyone point me in the right direction please. I have seen a post on here directed at different languages. There is a link to a school website I think where you can click on a language and a child speaks common phrases. Just cant find the link at the moment. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_832, -
- 2 replies
Hi I wondered if you could tell me where I could find inclusion in the new EYFS. We have been working on the policies staff need to be aware of in the statutory EYFS. I found sen but not inclusion. Thanks.
SenCo needs help, please.
by Guest- 6 replies
can anyone provide me with and pro-forma to start off my SENCO folder please.If anyone has a friendly letter for parents to meet with me regarding the concerns I may have with their child, early action pro-forma .Any help or advice would be great as I am new to the role in a private day nursery and want to get it right.
Autism with Global development delay
by Guest- 3 replies
Could someone help and explain what autism with Global Development Delay means.If a child has been recognised with having this condition why would they still have to have a statutory assessment.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
New Eyfs And Sen 1 2
by Guest- 30 replies
Hi We are a special school with children who have a wide range of SEN. We are just starting to look at planning changes for September and wondered if anyone out there would be willing to share their planning or thoughts on planning. Many thanks x PS when we have something in place I will post it on the forum if it is any use to others!!! :huh: