Learning differences – SEND
445 topics in this forum
Current Inclusion Theories
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi everyone,im currently on a 4 day play4all course, it is relating to inclusion, disablism etc, i have an assignment to write identifying and explaining current inclusion theories, does anyone have any suggestions i could use or useful links? Thank You
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
- 1 reply
I just need to purchase a really good book to support a child who attends my pre-school who is having issues with her family situation. She lives with her mum and sister and stays with her dad once a fortnight. Unfortunately two years ago she had a lot of upheaval in her life when she was taken from her mum (child protection issue) and her and her baby sister went to live with dad for 9 months. She was subsequently sent back to live with her mum. She is now struggling with everything and has started to self-harm (she is only 4!) and says 'if i am naughty i can go and live with my dad again'. When the family were part of CP her mum bit her (retaliating after she had been…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 13 replies
Hi everyone. I think I have a little boy in my class who is either autistic or has aspergers. I posted about him when I first met him for transition last year, he seems to get a tiny bit more challenging every day He: -HAS to close the doors - even the role play house door - he closed it and wouldn't let anyone else in. -Has an obsession with any musical instruments - including the playground bell, which he has been found wandering in school looking for. -Just falls down for no reason, then repeats this action over and over -He has no awareness of things that aren't safe or could hurt him. -He plays alongside others, no real interaction and if he does tr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Can anybody help....... I work at a nursery where we have a lot of children with EAL, i want to implement the use of pictorial cards to indicate each change in the daily routine to aid communication with children with EAL and additional needs. Does anybody know where i can get any pictures to indicate things such as nappy time, toilet dinner etc. I use to have a really good set which were from Stockpot portage service but can not find them. Thanks Kirsty
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
by Guest- 3 replies
I have a little boy in my class who is proving to be a bit of a problem. He is very difficult to contain in our indoor and outdoor areas and often takes himself off and we don't know where he is. I have a class of 30 and only 2 of us and I am worried for his safety. Also this little lad is aggressive towards other children and often throws things in temper. We have managed to get him some time on our Thrive programme but that has not started yet. I have tried some things to reinforce positive behaviour with some on and off success but was wondering if any of you have something you have found to be particularly useful. We are running with his interests (as well as other ch…
- 14 replies
Hi We have little boy in our pre-school setting, who has been with us for a year now. Hew will be 4 next term. He loves coming to us and we love having him. With my support, staff have changed their expectations and we have adapted our environment to meet his needs. He seems particularly advanced in some areas of his development such as recognising numbers, naming 3D shapes (before he was 3), naming and writing each letter of the alphabet, reading and writing some words. However, he has difficulty with some social interaction. He is very pleased to greet staff when he arrives, and enjoys showing us what he is doing at that moment, seeking out adults to show th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Using Eyfs Profile For Pmld Children
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I'd really value anyone's thoughts/views/experiences of using the EYFS profile with children with profound, multiple & complex learning difficulties. How useful & relevant is it as an assessment tool? Do you use additional materials or tools? We are using learning journals but have ceased to use P levels in addition. Thanks
- 4 replies
We have an autistic boy in our new class, I'd like to make a visual timetable but all of the ones that I can find are too colourful, I did stumble across the visual timetable cards & boards that have match stick men (very basic simple cards) but for the life of me I can't find them.....could anyone point me in the right direction? Many Thanks Nicky XXX
- 2 replies
Hi, I have a new Polish boy attending the setting and would like to purchase some books and CD's, etc featuring the Polish language. Have thought about a story CD, but don't really know if there are any that aren't too long winded for 3-year olds. Can anybody suggest resources that they have tried and tested and would recommend?? Many thanks for your help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 16 replies
I know this will be an easy one for you all who use Makaton regularly. How do you express please and thank you? Today I queried thank you with my Area Senco, i had thought to say thank you, you touch your lips with your fingers and then put your hand up palm facing outwards, (bit like a native American "how" sign) for want of a better expression. My senco said this phrase, 'please to the knees' (touch your lips and palm upwards in an arc bring your arm down your body. To say thank you, 'ta to the bra' - same action but only bring the palm down to your chest. Is this the way everyone else does it? Did I dream my way of saying thank you? Help please!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73,