Learning differences – SEND
445 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Cerebra have published a guide to education for parents of children with SEN/Disability. At 35 pages, it's shorter than the DfE parental guide which is 59 pages and I think it looks much more user friendly. The link to the page is below, you'll need to click on the left side of the page where it says "downloads" and for some reason, you need to download the front and back pages separately. I I can't find a way to print it out or download it so anyone who works out how to do this I'd be very grateful if you could let me know! http://www.cerebra.org.uk/English/getinformation/guides%20for%20parents/Pages/DisabledChildrenParents%E2%80%99GuideEducation.aspx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
- 3 replies
Just wondering if anyone has experience of this regarding SEND? I have heard very briefly about it, but not in any detail. Has anyone made a provision map? If so, how did you go about it and how did you use it? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
One Page Profiles
by Guest- 1 reply
Special Needs Jungle have published some useful information about One Page Profiles, including a free proforma you can download. The link is here: http://www.specialneedsjungle.com/top-tips-successful-one-page-profile/
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Selective Mutism
by Guest lou73- 16 replies
Hi I was just wondering if any of you lovely people out there could give me some good advice. I have a little boy on my nursery carpet who is three and does not speak during the session, although his parents say he speaks at home. He has been referred to speech and language and was seen earlier this week and the therapists opinion was that he is choosing not to speak, although his sound production is poor. I believe that he is extremely shy and this is the root of the problem and that he has got into a pattern of not speaking and now has almost backed himself into a corner. Can anyone give me any advice to help him. I have thought about using puppets and trying to increa…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 3 replies
I want to create a visual timetable to support a couple of children with changing for/from PE. Has anyone come across anything which may help to have any suggestions of how to go about it? It didn't seem to be appropriate to take photos!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51737, -
- 10 replies
Has anyone produced or used a sample template to link to the new Code of Practice to replace the layout of IEP's? In Essex we are referring to the One Plan, but have only seen a front cover for the plan. I have begun to put my own form into practice, based on Assess, plan, do, review headings until I came across something already devised. Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39998, -
- 6 replies
we have a new child within my setting who is autistic, he is 4 years old and still wears nappies. he keeps putting his hand in his nappies once he has done a poo and smears it on the wall.\his parents have tried observing when he needs the toilet and he will wait until they leave the room or are doing something else to do this. He does not do this in the setting only at home and I am not sure on how to support the parents at home with this. If anyone has any ideas on how to support him and his parents during this stage. many thanks Karen
- 20 replies
NDNA is printing the Code of Practice and you can buy it for £9.50 which include postage and packing. Link here: http://www.ndna.org.uk/advice-information/publications/SEN-code-of-practice The days when the DfE published statutory guidelines seem like a distant memory!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 1 reply
Has anyone produced or used a sample template to link to the new Code of Practice to replace the layout of IEP's? In Essex we are referring to the One Plan, but have only seen a front cover for the plan. I have begun to put my own form into practice, based on Assess, plan, do, review headings until I came across something already devised. Thank you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_63, -
- 8 replies
Hi all, I have a little boy in my setting (3 within the next two weeks) who was diagnosed with glue ear about 6/8 months ago. I can't get any sensible answer out of mum so I have no idea what they are going to do, if anything. She does keep saying she is going to take him up to Harley Street as she doesn't like the GP but has done nothing as of yet (to my knowledge!) Anyway, his behaviour, listening skills, cognition and some physical skills leave an awful lot to be desired and I am wondering how much of this I can put down to glue ear, his age or if there is something else going on. I have done our local authorities development record and he falls short in all of the…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469,