Learning differences – SEND
445 topics in this forum
- 15 replies
A DVD has been launched which aims to help children with autism understand more about human emotions. Apparently the DVD's are being given to 30,000 families. Here's a link to a BBC news article DVD for children with autism
- 1 reply
Hi We have a child who as recieved additional funding and as he already had an IEP in place should i develop a scheme of work for the person who is doing the 1-2-1 to follow? If so does anyone have a format or suggestions i could you Thanks
- 4 replies
Can anyone on line help me I need some advice about sen but will need to pm you as I stupidly put my real name on username ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
Sensory Support
by Guest- 1 reply
We have a child in our setting who had cataracts removed when she was a baby, from both eyes. She had to have special lenses put in her eyes to enable her to develop 'visual rehabilitation' and this could only be done by the parents so would have involved her parents coming in and out to administer eye drop medication and to deal with these lenses if they popped out. Now the child is almost 3 and has to wear very thick glasses in place of the lenses. I am assuming that she is registered as being partially sighted, but I'm not too sure about this to be honest. Anyway, we now have a lady that comes in regularly to talk to the people working directly with the child (…
Individual Education Plans
by Guest- 8 replies
I'm trying to rethink the design of the form we fill in for individual education plans, I think our present layout has got a bit outdated. We need to rethink it so that it meets the needs of the many agencies that we are working closely with. I would be really interested to see what others use and to share formats. I'm also interested to know what you choose to call the plans when they are for very young children, eg 3 and under - do you prefer development plans, or play plans or action plans? Really interested to exchange ideas about this. Thanks - I look forward to seeing your ideas - I think this forum is great - everyone help each other. VeeCee
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2846, -
First Steps?
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi dear friends! Won't go into too many details - but have a little one coming into my reception class who has 'global developmental delay' and is stated to be working simular to a two and half year old. He had i-i support in pre-school, but appears to be falling short for funding / help in mainstream. At present (this term) he is attending afternoons only. After Xmas full-time. Help appears to be (well completely non-existant) I am hopefully having an EP visiting soon who will observe and advise/ school have said they will self fund someone for half the day (but not specifically to just his own needs/ sub-group to be set up) I'll admit I'm completely lo…
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all hope i am not being too personal but i need help with the management and care routines for a child with autism, not just from a settings point of view but more from that of a parent. I have to do a 10 minute presentation for FDEY and include the above routine, i want to make sure i get it right; not just for my course, but on behalf of all parents/carers and children this affects. if you don't mind helping me and would prefer to email i dont mind sending my email address. Thanks Jo
- 3 replies
Just wondered if anyone has been involved in wave 3 intervention or used the 5minute box resource??? http://www.fiveminutebox.com/thefiveminutebox.htm We are considering buying it and are looking for recommendations
Cerebral Palsy
by Guest- 10 replies
Has anyone got any experience of a child in a pre-school setting with cerebral palsy? I know each case is different but some general pointers would be useful. What do I say to the other children? We have a 3 year old who may start at our setting coming to visit next week. Our committee chair has met him and Mum who will stay with him. He doesn't have any speech but I don't know anything about his comprehension levels.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5013, -
Can We Keep A Child Back Onbtt
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all We have a child at Nursery who was three over the summer. he has given cause for concern as he has poor speech, doesn't respond appropriatley to instruction unless given in one or two clear words. and due to his frustration bites other children. He does not interac t with the other children and when trying to find out what he knows e.g colours looks at us blankley and just repeats what we say. The cluster SENCO has been in and we are waiting for referral forms for assessment by the EYAT. He has recently had grommets inserted which we hoped would make a difference but hasn't. My supervisor is now asking me can we keep him back on birth to three matters, i don't …