Learning differences – SEND
445 topics in this forum
- 8 replies
We had a new start visit today and the little boy has been diagnosed with Aspergers (older brother also has it). Mum was really impressed with our setting and wants him to start straight away so I wondered if anybody can give me some advice on strategies etc we can put in place to help this little lad.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25678, -
- 8 replies
The parent and carer guide to the new code of practice has been published today, I've attached a copy. At 59 pages I don't know how user friendly it is, I haven't read it yet. I suppose it has to meet the needs of parents/carers of 0 - 25 year olds so there's a lot to include. I wonder if they'll be publishing hard copies or just "presume" all parents/carers have internet access. Special_educational_needs_and_disabilites_guide_for_parents_and_carers.pdf
- 7 replies
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Makaton for mouse
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello all I am teaching work based on the Gruffalo to my lovely lot and want to sign the story. I cannot for the life of me remember the sign for mouse or fox(did I know that one?) or owl.... Is it my age or too much else going on? My memory is APPALLING!!!!! Thank you you lovely lot :rolleyes:
- 30 replies
2014 CoP.docx I've written a few key points about the new SEN and Disability Code of Practice which will be in place from September,it's attached as a word file. The link to the new Code is below, the Early Years Section starts on page 67. http://www.gov.uk/government/publications/send-code-of-practice-0-to-25 I tried to upload some film clips but the files were too big so if you want to see them, they're on my website, at the bottom of the "useful links" page. I hope it's helpful.
What to expect from Outreach workers
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi! This (using an Outreach worker from a LA) will be a new area for us in September so I'm just starting to think about how we can help them settle in and feel part of the team as well as best supporting the child so I have questions~: *what will they likely want to know/see - about the child/our setting, routine etc *for safeguarding purposes what will we need from them DBS number, ID, first aid cert...? *If you are an OW - what helps you feel included/involved? *what to expect day to day in terms of them working either with our children to release the child's KP or, if they have better experience of the child's SEN, them working with the child (they'll be new in Se…
- 8 replies
Hi We have a little boy joining us who has moderate hearing loss. He wears hearing aids. The Hearing Impairment lady has been in and was impressed with our set up ( think she expected to have to tell us to make lots of modifications but actually there weren't any!). The only issue may be the hand drier. I have watched the DVD she gave us and read the information and the one thing it doesn't mention is whether we need to tell other children to leave the hearing aids alone, or whether to explain them. He has little cartoony things on the sides which I think will intrigue other children. Has anyone any experience of this?
- 6 replies
We are currently supporting a number of children with transition visits to the school adjacent to us, which are going well apart from one little boys fear of the Hand driers in the toilet area! Just after some advice how to support this please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 9 replies
Can anyone tell me what is the most recent code of practice/legislations that we should have regard to please?
- 5 replies
This has been prompted by another thread but I thought it warranted one of its own. The new Code of Practice should be published in July and be implemented from September. Part of this is the requirement on LAs to involve parents and carers in their planning and provision of services for children with SEN/additional needs. Any parent or carer whose child has additional needs has a vested interest and a right to participate in this planning via their local parents and carers council. The LAs are obliged to actively recruit, support and consult these groups so there should be one in every authority. They should be publicised to all parents but they aren't so participants …