Learning differences – SEND
445 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
Me again Just finishing a long essay on Special needs in early years and as I have to keep up to date with SENCO issues I am leaving a link for the new updates for anyone interested. This again came from the DFES website Carolann special_needs_update_dec_05.pdf
- 2 replies
Have I read on here that if you have a child with addtional needs, you can claim extra funding? We have two children at the moment who would qualify, one already gets the NEG, but is there additional money out there for help with resources or staff or anything?? I know I could probably read up on it but I'm busy with other things at the moment and Chair wants to know. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I have a child at preschool with Autism and our Area SENCO has advised that we use PEC's to support his communication. I found a good site and have copied and pasted 32 pages of pics. I have attached an example of some of them. If anyone would like any more please PM me with your email address because the files are too big to attach here. I also have some info on producing schedules for the pics. The site is; http://www.dotolearn.com/picturecards/printcards/index.htm Peggy
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Inclusive Learning Environment
by Guest- 3 replies
I am trying to write a presentation about the physical learning environment in the early years, and inclusion. I would like any thoughts on this, as I'm a novice! My main idea is that the learning environment as advocated in the foundation stage is supportive of SEN as it supports sensory play and independence, I then hope to discuss some ways to work on this environment to further support SEN eg makaton signs and symbols... any ideas please I'm a bit stuck! I can't find any books specifically on this topic! Thanks
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello, I am currently looking at the effectiveness of LSA in classrooms. Looking at things like do they help the development of children with SEN, and are they needed to support them. Read 2 articles which said that LSA were not needed so i am tryingto prove this wrong. Any thoughts would be much appreciated. Also books, journals, websites etc would also be of great help. Thanks x x
Sen: Cerebal Palsy
by Guest Sycamore- 7 replies
Hi I start back tomorrow and whilst I am ready, I am very anxious as I have a child with CP starting in my mainstream class. I want to give him the best I can but I have never had any SEN children other than the slightly autistic, dyslexic, adhd child. He walks but doesn't talk. We had some training in sign language but it is the everyday stuff, reading and writing, circle time that is going to be very different. I have good support and full time LSA's but I just need to be able to go aaaaggghhh somewhere and here is a good place! Sorry. I'm positive but scared too, I hope I can make a difference to this child. Thanks Sycamore
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Room For Speech
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello and a Happy New Year to you all I wonder if anyone can help me. At our nursery we are hoping to create a room dedicated to children who have some form of speech difficulty, what would you put in this room? how would you use this room? (As wonderful as you like). We are also hoping to open this up to other agencies and parents. Many Thanks Mella
Last reply by Helen, -
Auditory Memory Activities
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi Need some help in coming up with activities to help improve a child's auditory memory. We have been working on asking her to get two pretend items from the shop and bringing them back to the adult. This usually occurs outside and she goes off riding her bike then comes back and tells us what she has got. We also take her to find out what is for lunch that day and she comes back to tell another adult. She does struggle with this, she can remember one and needs help to recall a second item. She willingly takes part in this activity and seems to enjoy the praise she gets. Any ideas for activities I could use with her and all children in group. This child doe…
Language Development
by Guest Rosemary- 20 replies
I have just been appointed SENCO for the playgroup where I work and I am starting the training this week so I am a complete newcomer to this! We have two children in our setting who have speech difficulties and are having speech therapy however their development in other areas is very good and they have no other problems. Do they classify as special needs children? Do they need IEPs? Many thanks in advance for your help. Rosemary
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi. Does anyone have any suggestions here. At work we have a 3 year old boy with autism. He is absolutely adorable but when frustrated or upset he will scratch and dig his nails in. I have been doing one to one with him so I seem to be the one who is mainly getting the brunt of it, but other staff members have been hurt too. I have to admit, since he has been having one to one he is getting slowly better but he hasn't stopped altogether. We tell him it hurts and sometimes he throws his arms round for cuddles, but I'm never too sure how much he understands as his language is delayed. When upset as I say he can scratch, like the other day leaving me with what loooked like …