Early Years Setting Management
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- 18 replies
Hi all I would like to find some examples of what 'writing' at 30-50 months might look like and what 'writing' at 40-60 months might look like. I feel some of my staff are overgrading and I know I have seen an example some where (although I know it is a little subjective) but cant find it!! Does anyone have anything or can point me in the direction of anything that might help particularly with training staff and moderation? thank you
Staff member spoiling a child
by Guest- 3 replies
We have a 1 year old in our toddler room who is very content with me (I'm his key person) & another part time member of staff but one of the staff in the room picks his up when he is content and interrupts his play. He has become very clingy because of this and will cry whenever he sees her because hes used to always being picked up unnecessarily. She has been told at staff meetings that it isn't acceptable and that even his mother doesn't want him to be picked up constantly. Other staff members say when I'm not in the room, she continues to pick him up or get in the way of his play so that he cries for her. I brought it up with her at her last supervision but she…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 14 replies
Does anyone know how the space requirements now work? Is it up to us as a setting to calculate? Our certificate states 24 max children but were due to re-register and one of the questions asks about space requirements and how we calculate this? In all honestly I currently only have around 12-14 children in on anyone day with around 4/5 being 2-3 year olds and 6-8 3 + year olds x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51737, -
- 7 replies
Really quick question and I am hoping it is not obvious one so I wont feel silly lol we have recently become salaried and therefore are paid the same amount each month unless we do training or cover someone who is sick or do extra shift as overtime. we have been told by committee that we still need to produce time sheet for 'paper trail'. Now I can understand needing time sheet for any adjustments but if we are just doing salaried hours can anyone see why we would still need to produce time sheet?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 12 replies
Scenario: mother declares that her child must have no contact with its father. Subsequently, father pitches up demanding contact. What is the school's responsibility or obligation? I see some difficulty in denying access to a parent, on the say-so of the other parent, without some legal paperwork or instruction. Does anyone have any experience of such a situation?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39998, -
- 11 replies
I do the termly supervisions on the staff, but the committee only do a yearly Appraisal on me - and to be honest that's really only to 'tick a box' Do you have a termly supervision? And if you do, what do you talk about, as most of our discussions are around individual child's needs and I don't discuss this with committee - unless I really, really have to
Last reply by AnonyMouse_51737, -
- 18 replies
http://www.watchsted.com/ Any views?
- 2 replies
Hello as a staff team we have agreed to use part of our next staff meeting to have a bit of training on purposeful observations. I'm hoping that some of you lovely people will be able to share with me if you have done this with your team and what you included. Thank you.
- 3 replies
Hi does anyone know where I can download a nice under faith yearly calendar please or have one I could use ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7317, -
- 11 replies
I have a member of staff employed as maternity cover. The person she is covering has decided not to return to work. The maternity cover person has caused quite a few issues and has had a disciplinary warning in the past (I have posted about her before!). Today during the two hours she was supposed to be doing her paperwork (Tapestry), she spent most of the time on Facebook or other internet sites. I have printed off the internet history showing what she was looking at. I am going to talk to her tomorrow but I'm not sure how to approach it all. This person lies very, very easily and I know she will have a whole list of excuses, even though I have the evidence in blac…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396,