Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 39 replies
Hi all Firstly, I would like to apologise in advance to any health visitors on here, I am not against them at all! One of little ones, who has been attending our setting since January, turned 2 at the end of June this year. We have not yet done her 2yr old progress check due to the summer holidays. We do know that she has difficulty pronouncing some letters due to an accident just before xmas, knocking her front tooth up into her gum and the dentist told us it would affect her speech whilst it works its way back down. We completed her tracker in June and she was in 16-26 (s) or 22-36 for everything! This little one is a loving, clever and confident little girl. She had…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 5 replies
Hi Just wondered if anyone had tried this - and if so whether its worth the £99? Thinking of doing it off my own back as setting unable to fund. http://www.sueovertonappliedpractice.co.uk/active-learning/
- 12 replies
Good Morning We have several children starting with us this term who will only be accessing their funded hours and whose paremts have opted to bring their own food rather than have ours, that's all fine but it does leave us with a query about whether or not their lunchboxes need to be stored in the fridge. We have a policy that we will not heat food brought in from home as we do not know how it has been prepared / stored but now I'm worried that if sandwiches and yoghurts ect are in the lunchboxes on the children pegs from 8am-11.30 that we could run the risk of food not being safe to eat? I know many moons ago I read something which said that chilled foods can be out o…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 9 replies
Does anyone know if the new scheme applies to early years? We are a full day care setting and 'buy' our mid day meal from the local primary school which we collect each day and bring back to nursery. I assumed that the free meals initiative wouldn't apply to us but a parents said that it is for "Foundation and Year 1" Any ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_73, -
Registering with ICO
by Guest- 26 replies
Can anyone please tell me if Pre Schools have to be registered with ICO. A local childminder has just had her Ofsted inspection and was told she needed to. I have just completed the on line assessment to see if I needed to and on the information I submitted it said I didn't - any ideas?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8885, -
How to calculate average fees
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi A few parents have asked me to average their fees as they are term time only. How does this work when they have a birthday mid year which triggers a cheaper hourly rate? Do you just recalculate at the time? Also this children I have in mind is 2 now so will be cheaper in Feb and then the bill will be further reduced when they receive their 15 hours after Easter. Any one got a simple way to do it/ thanks Mhairi
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44476, -
Need Advice Quick!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Hi all At work today supervisor told staff that a mum had called the co-ordinator to say that she wanted only herself to pick up her child and no-one else. Supervisor asked co-ordinator what was going on, co-ord said she was not allowed to say (thats another issue supervisor is going to sort out!). Anyway, when supervisor told me this, presuming its Dad and not grand-parents mum is talking about I said that i thought we had no right to stop Dad taking his child if he has parental responsibility unless there is a court order. Now, i have come back and researched the forum to find the following thread which i got my info from. http://www.foundation-stage.info/forums/in…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_43256, -
- 1 follower
- 22 replies
We are long long overdue for Ofsted, and as such I keep a close eye on the reports in my area. The following came up on a monitoring visit report and its worried me! 'The progress report identifies the next steps in children's learning and these are then incorporated into the planning. However, with six weekly intervals between progress reports, the identifying of children's next steps is not effective in promoting sufficient challenge and therefore, staff are not promoting children's progress and achievements against all areas of learning. ' We plan in a similar fashion to this, we set next steps for each child every 4 weeks, and this is fed into planning…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
Online Nursery Management systems
by Guest Nuby- 13 replies
Does anyone use these in their setting? Are they worth their cost? Or best to get an admin? What has been your experience?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
- 6 replies
I have a team member who is keen to do an EY foundation degree. Whilst I'm sure this will be of benefit to the setting, a quick trawl of the Internet suggests it'll cost around £5K. I can't afford to fund this for her, but would like to make some contribution. What do others do to support staff financially? Thanks