Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 5 replies
Does anyone have a really good suncream policy. We have had a regular issue with one of the mums refusing to put suncream on her child. The child is Afro Caribbean and the parents have been continuously arguing with us that their child doesn't need cream as they never burn. I explained that irrelavent of the child's colouring All children are capable of burning, has anyone else had this issue, if so how have you dealt with it and is there anything in your policies which cover this?
- 20 replies
I wasn't sure where to post this. We are thinking about saying from September that funded children can not only do one session/ day per week. We find it hard to manage and to be honest quite unnecessary and unfair on the child. Does anyone else stipulate a minimum amount of time they have to come for? We will only accept funding from 9:30-12:00 And 1:00-3:30 or can do 9:30-3:30 so the must funding they can claim in a day with us is 6 hours. It is children that attend another setting too. Thanks:-)
- 16 replies
Hi all We've been told by Ofsted that we should have all staff mobile phones locked away, currently we allow staff to keep them in the staff room and have a strict policy that if any staff member was ever caught with their mobile in any of the children's rooms they will be sacked immediately for gross misconduct and any member of staff who knew they had it would be disciplined. There has never been an issue with this, I have never had any concern that anyone had snuck a phone into their room. I explained this but Mrs O seemed to think it wasn't enough and they should be in a lockable box. How do you manage this is your setting? most of our staff drive and we hav…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44476, -
- 1 follower
- 37 replies
Has anyone else seen this - much as I would love to pay all my staff the living wage - funding rates make this impossible. I thought that LAs were not going to be allowed to impose their own conditions in respect of the funding (although given the number of consultations that I have read I could have dreamt it) - Good luck with this one if you are in Birmingham!! http://www.cypnow.co.uk/cyp/news/1143882/birmingham-providers-forced-pay-living-wage-retain-childcare-funding?utm_content=&utm_campaign=070514%20daily%20A&utm_source=Children%20%26%20Young%20People%20Now&utm_medium=adestra_email&utm_term=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cypnow.co.uk%2Fcyp%2Fnews%2F1143882%2…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 9 replies
Hi all, We need to leave our current premises and were hoping to move into purpose build premises by September, for funding reasons this has not been possible. However, we are able to move temporarily to another small building in the mean time. This premises will allow us to take a max of 15 children at a time but it only has 2 toilets (0 disabled). I have rang OFSTED as I know the new framework is less specific about tiolets, but were very vague as to whether this would be adequate as a temporary solution! Could anyone please give any advise? We would have to pack away for the weekend as this is when tbe building is current ly used. Would we fail an OFSTED inspectio…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_50292, -
- 4 replies
I have been asked to develop an equalites checklist and would really like some help from all you lovely people out there. The purpose is for the checklist to be used to do checks in several settings and Children's Centres, perhaps 2 or 3 times each year to see if they are inclusive in terms of gender, sexual orientation, race, creed etc. It would need to cover having positive images, books showing ethnic diversity etc. but also monitoring if families and staff accessing the setting/Centre reflect the ethnic mix in the community, if materials are available in community languages - and lots more. All ideas will be extremely gratefully received. Thank you Gruffalo
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
- 1 follower
- 42 replies
Ok - so here's the situation.... we have family attend for 6 hours each Monday and Tuesday, they claim just 10 hours with us and are charged for 2 hours each week. Because we were closed yesterday for hte Bank Holiday, mum has asked for yesterdays 6 hours funding to be applied to later weeks in the term..... Is this right? because it sounds really confusing to me!!!! Anybody explain in simple terms why this would be right? or not right? my mind is about to explode! Am I looking at this too deeply? Thank you in advance!
Snack Time 1 2
by Guest- 45 replies
We are thinking off changing oue snacktime. We currently have a set time at 10am all children have to come and sit at that time whatever they are doing and i kind of feel that it sometimes disturbs their play. and a few children refuse to come at all one member of staff makes it into a big issue that they have to come at that time. I'm propsing that we change it to a cafe style area and open up! at say 10am until 10.30ish and they can choose when to come during that time. Last night we had a huge move around in the setting, all the furniture and tables and now when its snack time they have had to start moving the water tray/sand tray out of the way to get a large…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21338, -
- 4 replies
We are a charity committee run playgroup, with a new committee from last September and new lead practitioner. I do all the finances & admin and also started in September, so it's all very new to all of us. We need to have a finance meeting soon which will be mostly my job to produce budgets & cash flow forecast for the following year. Has anyone got any tips, I want to make sure I include everything and don't miss anything. Quite happy with everyday expenditure/cost but things like salaries, how do you work out employer NI costs/holiday/bank staff? In terms of the children, what's the easiest way to work out how much income that will generate, when some ar…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
by Guest- 20 replies
as a manager , how do you organise your time to complete all relevant paperwork and also have time to complete observations on your key children? Do you have set time where you are not counted in ratios so you can complete paperwork?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,