Early Years Setting Management
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- 4 replies
Hi all I am faced with an interesting dilemma. I have been offered alternative premises and I am sorely tempted.....lovely brand new facility..light, spacious, airy, with fabulous outdoor spaces and partitions for flexibility. The main issues are however there is a bar....(as in alcohol serving variety) ....within the space I have been offered. The building is a social club in the evenings and at weekends. The bar itself is about 5 metres long, has no shutters and is visible to all. The children cannot get access to the bar or it's contents but I am unsure as to whether this would even be considered or allowed by the authorities or Ofsted. Are there any o…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 2 replies
hi all, although I am an after school club this is relevant to any settings that run as charities! As the manager of my setting I do the main bulk of the book keeping-recording sessions, income, expenditure, petty cash etc. We have always had an accountant that reconciled this and number crunched to give us our year end accounts as well as summaries of the accounts throughout the year. We then had a qualified accountant (one of our parents) to 'review' the accounts before we submitted them to the charities commission. We now have a different accountant and are wondering whether we need this 2nd person to 'review' the accounts or whether our general accountant is indepe…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 19 replies
So chair person of committee has been told by Ofsted that we DONT HAVE TO update old crbs or the new DBS checks. That sounds wrong to me as been talking to an improvement advisor and she said of course they need updating every 3 yrs... Is that just what is considered good practise or a definite NEED? I can't seem to find any clarification on the matter! Also chair was told that my DBS from another setting is ok to use even though I didn't sign up for the update service so I now don't have a valid one for new setting as I thought had been done - totally confused with all the differing advice as online guidance differs from what's said from telephone conversations !! W…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44476, -
- 11 replies
Does anyone use a company to send out group text messages to parents regarding information about the setting? Hoping to send out text alerts to inform of newsletters now on website, reminders, emergency closure days, bank hols etc. Any companies you would recommend? Thoughts
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11414, -
DBS again (sorry)
by Guest Spiral- 3 replies
Ok, I am now at the final part of the dbs check for one of my committee members. However, what do we tick as 'job role', is it 'registered individual or 'responsible individual'? It's all as clear as mud again...and their site doesn't like my pc, so I can't navigate around it and get the right answer! Blast. Thank you, Spiral :-l
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 20 replies
One of my new committee members has been asked to provide a health declaration which will cost £90. I know I had to do one as the manager but do committee ever need to?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7356, -
fire drills
by Guest- 5 replies
how do people do their fire drills when checking children at the end, do you count them or call their names for them to answer ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 12 replies
Can I ask, if a child is missing a week of nursery for a holiday and the parent has asked to have the missed sessions at another point during the term, do you accommodate? I am thinking, if we allow this we are opening the flood gates for other parents to request alternative dates for missed sessions for sickness or holiday all over the place. Fairly new to this, so not sure whether we should be flexible, if registers allow or if its best to say that holidays are still chargeable but missed dates are not transferrable. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
- 2 replies
We are taking over a Nursery which we have managed for ten years and need to know how to register ourselves, as the owner of the setting has left. We understand we need to complete EY2 and EY0 forms, but cannot find a way to complete them online. We are unable to locate them. Any suggestions please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_44476, -
by Guest- 9 replies
can anyone confirm for me how many types of id you request when ofsted arrive, as I have recently been told two their ofsted id and a form of photo id is this correct ? Also can a qualified teacher be counted if they haven't got a childcare qualification, or does the teacher training over rule that ?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,