Early Years Setting Management
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by Guest- 7 replies
After some advice from managers of nurseries/preschools. I have been on holiday for 2 weeks and first day back I have had an accusation of bullying between staff - welcome back....lol. I know that one does 'snap' at people and that the other is not the hardest worker I have ever had (putting it mildly!) and the conflict seems to have boiled over whilst I have been away. How should I handle this? I am going to see the both separately tomorrow to start with. Anyone had this situation? We are generally a friendly and close team but not in this case obviously!
Transitions aaaargggghhhh
by Guest- 18 replies
Has anyone had aparent not agree with the transition document that you have written? Only had one parent out os 20 complain saying it doesnt reflect is abilitities during is time at playgroup yet she agreed on last review 3 months ago. I tried to explain that we could only write about the child what has been seen but she still wasnt happy.How else could I have dealt with it? Woke up thinking this morning have I dealt with it right! Need some advice please!
First Day officially back
by Guest- 12 replies
Today I go back to managing a preschool setting after 18 months away! For various reasons and circumstances I left a nursery I loved managing, a nursery that my team worked to get an Outstanding setting......anyway that was then. I've taken a break and had a year teaching in a school and today I return to manage a preschool again; no children today but staff meeting and preparing the room. It's a very small setting away from my area which I'm soooooo looking forward to managing. I've been on this forum for donkeys but under a different name previously - the wonderful people here helped me more than I can say before and I'm pretty sure I'm going to be calling on my fr…
- 2 replies
Hi Please could anyone explain when we talk about safeguarding is it child protection or is it safeguarding as in the statutory guidance that encompasses staff, premises, health etc?? We have had a discussion and when some staff talk about safeguarding they refer to it as child protection whilst another said no that is child protection safeguarding is everything we do to keep children safe :blink: staff were confused if they have a safeguarding concern they should say be more specific and say we have a child protection concern? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 14 replies
Hi all We have one of our parents coming in for 2hrs each week just because she has asked to. She will never be left on her own with the children or deal with any toileting etc. Do you think I need to get a DBS check done?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Birmingham case review
by Guest- 22 replies
Please read this review, frightening stuff, not sure of the link but I'm sure someone will add it
- 12 replies
Hi i wonder if anyone can help. i know last year you had to take part in 24 hours a year of training/professional development. This year in my setting my hours have dropped and i am only part time and i am not with the children very much at all. I have also taken on another job which i will be working while i am not in the nursery. Dose anyone know if i still have to legally take part in 24 hours of training a year. If i have to still take part in training then this could cause problems as i cant be taking time off my other job to go to training for the nursery.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33773, -
- 31 replies
We are in a small rural village in a church hall at the moment we are only open 4 mornings a week for 3 hours on one of the days we are able to squeeze in a lunch club! Our LEA have said that one of the reasons our numbers are low is because we aren't open 5 mornings a week - we can't open anyway because our hall is rented by someone else but I just wondered if there were anymore settings out there that don't open full time?? I actually don't think it would help us full time anyway as virtually everyone goes to school nursery the day they are 3 and the few who do choose to stay don't all do 4 sessions anyway!!
Ofsted & funding
by Guest- 21 replies
Anybody had any confirmation from anyone with regards to Ofsted taking over the funding from 1st September?
by Guest- 4 replies
Does anyone have a list of appropriate questions specific to parents of children with EAL? I give parents (of all children) forms to complete prior to their child starting nursery - 'All about me' and 'All about my child'. I am revamping them for the new term and would like to add something specific to children with EAL. Does anyone do anything similar and, if so, what questions do you ask? Many thanks! x