Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 10 replies
Hi I have in the past posted countless posts on here with regards to a particular staff member and to be honest there are a few changes but not many. Firstly we managed to get her to step down from deputy! Thank god. Secondly I have recently returned from maternity leave and some things really need addressing and although Deputy has tried a year later we are still in same boat. She is fantastic with the kids and has developed good relationships with them. Deputy felt it would be in her interest to move keyworker groups when I returned meaning I would take the under 3's, deputy younger pre-schoolers and assistant (who this post is about) was then given the …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
- 31 replies
Hi Can I ask what you would expect to find in a learning journal? And roughly how many observations per half term/term would you expect staff members to complete? Not sure if I am being unreasonable lol and just want to see what the norm is
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31752, -
- 2 replies
Anyone know what Team 3 at OFSTED are responsible for? Had a message to call them but wanted to brace myself if it was anything to worry about!! Didn't know if anyone knew on here. TIA
Last reply by AnonyMouse_42829, -
- 16 replies
We are in a large noisy hall which means that sometimes quiet spaces are hard to find. We have two children who need extra support with language. The SALT has suggested using our upstairs room (which is normally only used for meetings and private conversations) but this would mean my SEN being away from sight and hearing of everybody else. I am really not happy with this situation at all, I feel it leaves the SEN very vulnerable!!! However the SALT feels that the children concerned will not concentrate with any other stimulus around them. We have no separate rooms downstairs and it seems outside or in the corridor is out as this is still too much stimulus!!! I ju…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 3 replies
Hi As part of my appraisals and to show I am doing all I can to support a particular staff member I really feel the need to deliver some in house training around: Observations and the different types Next steps Can anyone recommend or suggest any websites/books/articles that I may find useful? Struggling with a starting point. Thanks in advance
- 5 replies
I know I should probably know the answer to this but I'm hoping someone can advise please. Unusually for me, (I know this is not often the case for many of you out there! ) I have had a staff member recently who has been absent for longer than the odd day. I do offer SSP only for staff but have never had to sort this before. This member of staff works so many hrs each day of the week. She had to leave work feeling unwell on Thursday. She went to the doctors but did not specify how long she would be off, just what she had (antibiotics for nasty cough) She then was off, Fri, mon,tues the following week ( she did not contact me, so I had to phone to see what was happen…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 12 replies
https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=373502036085351&id=357800907655464&refid=7&_ft_=qid.5886758735540259338%3Amf_story_key.-1716599895197950710 That should make things easier
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
Emergency Ratio's
by Guest Spiral- 10 replies
Hi there, I was off sick last week and ended up leaving my staff without me (and another staff member was sick). If we end up with an emergency ratio, what should it be? (ages 3-4)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
What makes a good team?
by Guest- 13 replies
I am looking for ten top tips which make for good teamwork! Any thoughts? x
- 16 replies
Hi all quick query is it now three or four years between inspections? I only ask as we had the inspection from hell in Feb 2010, despite complaining about our treatment and told we had a reason to be we were so disappointed with our grade which we have been stuck with all this time. Everyone around us, primary schools, secondary schools, other nurseries and childminders have all been done but we are still waiting. Getting bored of waiting now just want it over and done with, good or bad!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_35577,