Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
Taking on an apprentice
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi, We have just agreed to take on our first appprentice, after being approached by the local college. Did not really expect much response to advert as we are quite rural! However, we got 14 applicants. Now the hard part, sorting through these 14 hopeful 16 and 17 year olds and having to dissapoint most of them. Has anyone taken on an apprentice before, if so can you advice me, did you treat as a normal job application, interview process? Have you got a list of questions you would ask, without overwhelming them. Any help would be appreciated. Have not been manager long enough to have gone through recruiting a new member of staff let alone an apprentice. Thanks Jo…
- 9 replies
I have just heard from the council that they will no longer be offering a payment each year for EYP retention due to the lovely funding cuts so I just wondered if anyone would share what they expect an EYP's hourly rate to be? or how much extra you would expect than a level 3 please? I finish EYPS in July (Hopefully I will actually pass!!) I've gone the long route so it's taken 4 years to do the foundation degree then the BA alongside EYPS and although I have never been doing it for the money - who does do this job for the money! - I am getting paid the same now as when I was a level 3 so any thoughts would be helpful as I really don't know how much extra I should ask…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22628, -
- 3 replies
I am preparing for interviews for a nursery nurse in a maintained nursery. I would like the applicants to carry out a 15 minute activity with a small group of children around a letters and sounds aspect (phase 1). Any thoughts?
Head in the sand
by Guest- 5 replies
I am struggling with my manager at the moment she seems to stick her head in the sand constantly when it comes to sorting out issues. I am so frustrated at what to do about it. Some staff are not pulling their weight with general duties and it is upsetting those of us that are, as our manager either denies it is happening or just shrugs it off instead of dealing with it. When a staff member made a comment to another staff member about them not doing something she took her aside to tell her that is her job and not theirs to speak to staff like that. It is starting to cause atmosphere at work. It is the same when it comes to parent issues, she would rather fob it off than …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5970, -
Working with trustees/committees
by Guest- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi All I have just found this forum and wow, what a revelation! I have had so many niggly questions answered by scouting these boards. I am the (newish) chair of a VMC pre-school that has some serious problems, financial and performance. We have a hard working committee dedicated to improving our situation, but none of us have any experience working in an early years setting so taking time to understand what is expected of our staff has been really important (and why I'm here now). It's been a steep learning curve! My question is about working with trustees/committees. What can they do to really support you, especially with practical things that enhance pr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
- 20 replies
So the week from hell just got even worse. Just this week I have had my Deputy saying she will not be signing her new contract and today she decides to inform me that she expect to be able to take her child to school everyday when the child starts reception in Sept. As I was picking my jaw up from the floor another member of staff who works 3 days a week informed me that she is also expecting to take her child to school and that her and the deputy can take it in turns to take the two children to school on the three days that she works in the setting. Both member of staff contracted hours are 8.40 - 3.30. The doors to school who grounds we are in open at 8.50. So staff are…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23722, -
- 1 follower
- 4 replies
I'm a Nursery teacher in an Infant school and I've been struggling when observed by management of the school this year. Previously I have been achieving good with outstanding/outstanding but this year I have been getting requires improvement. I understand that the Ofsted grid that I'm graded against is for staff working with 3 - 18 yr olds but no matter how hard I try I can't seem to get into the 'good' level. I'm working so hard and taking on board all the areas for development and working on them but beginning to doubt my ability to teach. Any one else finding this is their early years setting? Wondering if its my school that has high expectations or this is just th…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 5 replies
The school we are sited on has offered us the use of their pool one afternoon a week, which sounds fab but am worried about all the red tape that this may incur ie insurance implications (ours or theirs) lifeguards....am thinking the easiest option maybe to offer it to parents at a small charge rather us actually doing it as this would also limit the children that could benifit to the session we can use it, any advice from anyone regarding how you work it, what i need to consider would be much appreciated. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
- 8 replies
Hi. I was wondering if anyone has had a situation where a member of staff has refused to sign a new contract. The committee are in process of updating job descriptions and contracts for all staff in preschool as they haven't be updated since before I started work at the setting over 3 years ago. The committee are trying to sort them out and have asked all staff to write a list of all different things that they do in their job on a day to day basis. Our job descriptions are very basic and do not go into great detail about what is expected of staff so the committee are wanting to sort this but deputy refusing to see this as a good thing and made a comment today of it doe…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 1 follower
- 16 replies
I have a couple of issues concerning what rights a couple of our children's dads have when it comes to picking them up, a couple of mums have approached me this week and said they do not want their children's fathers to have access to them at all, one has a court order and the other one says he has been harassing the family. We have in place our password for collection and are aware that Mums do on wish for their children to be released to the fathers and any family members not on our list, but apparently one of the dads says he has the right to be able to pick up, we have the right not to release the child without the consent of the mother in line with our settings pol…