Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
Maternity Pay and Leave
by Guest- 5 replies
Hello everyone, I need some advice regarding maternity leave. I am starting to lose sleep of this :-( I understand the general gist of how much an employee is entitled to etc but the problem I am having is: An employee is due in August which is in the half term holiday and wants to take her maternity leave from the day after the baby is born. What I do not understand is when then does her Maternity pay start? from that day in August? or from September when we are due back to work as we do not work in August?? Surely it would start in September? :huh: and Whilst said member of staff is on Maternity leave, she will not receive her holiday pay but when she retu…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
- 1 follower
- 3 replies
I'm not sure if this is the correct place to post, I'm sure someone will help if ive got it wrong!! My school is in the process of incorporating a pre-school into our school setting which is very exciting. I am at present EYFS manager in school and will be working with this project but i have little nursery experience. Please can you point me in the right direction for some good reading materials as a start!!! Also could others advise: if you are in a setting that has a nursery is it usual that the EYFS manager covers both nursry and reception. Just wondering what others do! Thank you so much.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
- 12 replies
How much time do you give to Nursery support staff to write up observations etc for their key groups?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_22106, -
motivating staff
by Guest- 2 replies
I work in the preschool room in a nursery along with 2 other girls. I'm 33 and the EYP for the setting. One other is 26 and has foundation degree and the other is 18 and working towards her level 3. I love my job and love trying new ideas and activities with the children. I also like having a routine in place for the day which yes can be flexible but the group of children we have at the moment hugely benefit from having a regular routine in place. My problem is keeping the other 2 motivated and on track with planning and learning journals etc. day to day they are great with the children but paperwork is not their strong point and i get 'i cant be bothered' or 'i do…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
Parent Questionnaire
by Guest- 14 replies
Its my first time doing one, has anyone got any examples they would like to share with me???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 9 replies
This dropped into my inbox today from TMG CRB: This email is to inform you of changes to the current Government subsidy for an Enhanced Criminal Records check by the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS – which took over in 2012 from the former Criminal Records Bureau). The Government subsidy for DBS checks will cease from 1 July, from which time individuals and providers will be required to pay full cost in order to be registered with Ofsted and to be employed in a registered childcare setting. Applications for DBS checks will be honoured under the existing subsidy if received by 28 June. Please be assured: · TMG CRB will continue to manage your cri…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
- 7 replies
One of our staff is coming to the end of her maternity leave. Unfortunately she can't return when she wanted to in June because of her childminder, so will have to wait until September She will be losing her maternity pay in June but partly as a goodwill gesture and partly to make sure she doesn't change her mind, I thought about paying her a small retainer over the summer. Has anyone done this before and if so are there any tax or NI considerations to be aware of? We were thinking of £100 a month.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Health declaration charge £160.00
by Guest Spiral- 17 replies
Hi there, We have a new member starting and Ofsted have sent them the EY2 Health Declaration Booklet. Their gp wishes to charge £160 for completing this and we wondered if anyone can shed any light on whether this is the usual price? I'm sure last time we paid around £40 (with a different gp), thank you, Spiral ;- )
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 5 replies
Hi can any one out there answer my questions please. In my nursery we spend more time doing paper work - Mainly planning and observation than spending time with the children. We are a small setting 34 children 3 rooms. As we are expecting Ofsted any time, a discussion at staff meeting a from a EYP new member of staff brought up a "great idea" of another planning sheet for outdoors... Great more paperwork! Her point was that it is an "EYFS/Ofsted requirement" that we need to cover DAILY the 7 areas of learning outdoors as well as indoors... Is it correct? Where can I find this information as I could not find it anywhere? Do I need to cover daily the 7 areas of lea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39521, -
- 17 replies
In my setting that i work at we have a child with behaviour problems The child continually hurts staff members and other children. Today the child hit a staff member repeatedly and then pinched and left marks and scratches and left marks then she followed this behaviour with head butting the staff member. Should the marks on the staff members hand be written in the accident book and if so should that staff member write it in or another staff member. If the Child hurts another child then we do write it in the accident book but i wanted to double check should we note it for staff members as well.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664,