Early Years Setting Management
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- 16 replies
Does anyone have SIP visits? We just had a really bad one and I wondered if anyone knows if we have to have the sip's in or if we can refuse and would this affect our funding? The sip's are supposed to give you help and support in any areas we feel we need it or any area they flag up as needing extra help. Only our sip just makes us all feel worthless and rubbish, when in actual fact we are ofsted good, so is unnecessarily making us feel awful. Any ideas what to do and how to cope with the visits? Help!!!!!!!!
- 8 replies
Both the Supervisor and the Deputy supervisor are going to be away on the same course soon and there is debate about who should step in on those days. There are staff members interested, and suggested having a day each so they could have a go, as well as a Level 3 who could do it if necessary. One of them is level 2 and currently studying level 3 and the other is level 2 but well experienced in our setting. Is there a guideline for specific qualification for temporary acting deputy? I can't find one.
- 3 replies
Hi everyone! I really hope someone can help. We recently advertised a position at pre-school and would like to offer the job to a really lovely lady from Spain. Does anyone one what additional paperwork we would need? CRB? DBS? Work permit? I've looked online and can't find anything definitive within this area! Many many many thanks, MPS09
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
Setting phone
by Guest SueV- 17 replies
I am manager of a small pre-school setting that belongs to my church. A few years ago I was asked by the then vicar to find some other form of telephone communication because he and his secretary were getting annoyed at having to keep coming to get me when I was wanted on the phone. I agreed therefore to use my own mobile phone as the contact for parents and Ofsted etc. After a while it was agreed that the pre-school would pay my tariff which is about £26 a month. This they have happily done until last term when the Treasurer told me that it could no longer be paid for unless it was added to my income and taxed accordingly. This is apparently an Inland Revenue guidel…
- 1 follower
- 13 replies
okay, bit of a difficult one here, i have had a parent that used to bring her son to nursery before he went to school - had no issues and was really happy with everything. her son is now at school and she has since had a new baby. she came into today to arrange to bring her baby to nursery which is great. Recently we have had a staff shuffle round, some staff wanted new experiences in different rooms so we have had a change around starting from Feb. The parent today told me that she new about the staff change round, and if it had remained the same then she wouldnt have brought her son. She told me she was aware that a certain staff member was taking drugs during t…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_29353, -
- 10 replies
Hi everyone, it's been a stressful day (again!) and I would appreciate some opinions on whether I'm being reasonable or just stroppy please!! As a village pre-school we have an arrangement with our village primary school that for 2 terms we run a short session at school, just over an hour, for the children who will be starting there in September. We ask for a small donation from parents and pay a member of pre-school staff to run this (I also go in voluntarily). We do an activity with our children in a small room first, then join the reception class for play time and story. In addition the school have 3 transition afternoons in the summer term which we as pre-school s…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
Laminating for display boards...
by Guest- 22 replies
Hi, When did this become such a trend on our display boards? Early years settings laminate more than schools... is it really aesthetically pleasing to look at lamintaed work or does it take away the textured feel that children, staff and parents actually appreciate....what are your views?
Advise needed please!
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi I am just returning from maternity leave (Tomorrow) but have taken on the role of volunteer Secretary, as i am only going back part time as Deputy Leader. We have an issue with a part-time member of staff ringing in sick most nearly once a week. We have a bank staff member who has gone through the recruitment process with a previous committee but quite frankly I would not want her in the setting! We also have a newly qualified level 3 volunteer who has not even been inducted yet (she has had a CRB check done with us) and was used today to cover. I have been asked by the Chair to go through the induction process with her. But I have just completed the PSLA recruitme…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
What are your thoughts......... Can a regional manager effectively supervise and support early years nursery managers without any experience or qualifications in early years or early childhood education? Can management experience be transfered across sectors? If you have managed people in retail can you also manage people in early years? If so how can they make informed decisions without prior knowledge or experience?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
Supervision policy
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, I've been developing a supervision policy - I would be grateful for any feedback, if you can suggest any changes or additions that you would add. Many Thanks ALP's Supervision policy.docx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,