Early Years Setting Management
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- 8 replies
Hi Everyone Having been sitting here most of the half term holiday doing paperwork and going into the setting to 'let the builders in' the thought of should I get paid 'all year' rather than term time plus 6 weeks holiday pay has been going through my head again. All the other staff get paid / claim for everything plus two get paid 10 weeks holiday pay (they have worked there six months longer than me). I can see myself working most of the summer holiday to get everything ready for the new EYFS in September. I never claim overtime. Do you think if I suggest this at the next committee meeting, I will be opening a can of worms. I finished my EYPS in Feb, bu…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6721, -
- 6 replies
Hi, I'm just interested to find out of anyone has had a second ofsted inspection since Sept 2008 (intro of the EYFS). We were inspected in Nov 2008 so are feeling that we are due another anytime now....to be honest I just want it to happen so I can relax again.... although i'm starting to wonder whether we will be inspected this side of the Summer hols???/
Last reply by AnonyMouse_31531, -
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- 51 replies
Hi All, We have not been faced with this senario for quite a few years now as staff have managed to find alternative child care for their children. There is an infant school closure day looming and I think a member of staff is going to ask if she can bring her daughter into work. What is the current thinking on this? Thank you Sorry should have added that I work in a pre-school
- 16 replies
Hi I am wondering if anyone is happy to share how many times a year they conduct firedrills. I can seem to find it in the stat requirement how often they should be carried out. Also can you please tell me if you have a seperate fire register or do you take the register and also how do you carry the children's info? We currently have a large folder with all registration details in but it's not always the easiest to grab etc. Also how do you safely get the group out together? We are thinking of making a group wrist strap so that all children have a loop of ribbon to hold onto therefore keeping the group together as we are in a large church and the safety point i…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
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- 17 replies
Hi I have a member of staff who is complaining that the pre-school seats are too low and that she is finding it hard to get up when she has been seated at an activity. Although I appreicate the seats are low if we introduce adult height seats for the adults they will be unable to sit at the activity as the seats wouldn't fit under the tables. Also adults would no longer be at child height. What do you all sit on? I'm trying to be considerate to the member of staff but she is the only one that has complained and excess weight may also be playing a part (obviously I'm not going to suggest that!!). It's not the width apprently just the height. Kris
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hi, i am about to review my staffs sickness/illness from work policy. at the moment i feel the procedures are not manageble in my setting. although i understand that a illness is not planned and staff have children who are often poorly my procedures at the moment states that my staff have to give at least one hours notice. this often leaves me in turmoil trying to find cover at short notice. would anybody kindly like to share their policy or procedures that works for them.
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 9 replies
HI, I hope you can help me.. I have a situation with a member of my staff coming to work red eyed and smells of alcohol, this is happening at least a couple of times a week. she isnt slurring her words, staggering or noticably drunk, but when she talks to the aprents i'm sure they will be able to smell it.. I ave spoken to her in a one to one situation and each time I notice the smell i mention that she needs a mint! and she understands what i am getting at, I have started to document these instances. now this last week we have had to have a disciplinary meeting with her, about confidentiality issues and she as blatantly lied to me and made up a story to get a…
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- 23 replies
Please can you kind people help we are not getting much guidance from early years staff as to how. We are being told we must see a child's birth certificates to confirm who has parental responsibility. my question is How do you insist on this? at birth parents are given a short BC so some may not have a full BC What do you write on their registration forms explaining this? hope you can help Buttercup
- 6 replies
We are interviewing at present for a Pre-School assistant, met a lovely candidate today but not sure she is level 2! I haven't any experience with regards childminder qualification, apparently candidate registered in 2009 with Ofsted, was provided with a list of qualifications that she needed to achieve such as safeguarding, first aid etc. When she then had her 1st inspection (has shown me a copy of inspection) Ofsted have her as level 2 beacuse she completed the courses she was asked to!! Is this correct? Would this account for anything in Pre-School or is there a completely different guideline for childminders? Any advice greatly received as she really is lovely!! K…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11653, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Hi everyone Our procedure for application of suncreen is as follows Parents apply a suitable high factor sun screen to their child before bringing them (morning or afternoon). Staff apply sunscreen to children in the afternoon when they stay all day. We also apply in the morning to children attending early from breakfast club. All parents sign a form to give permssion to apply and agree to the above. Had a parent today say that she hadn't applied sunscreen this morning as she didn't agree with it because of the children need some exposure to sun to avoid the risk of rickets but that we could apply sunscreen this afternoon if we want. She wasn't being di…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120,