Early Years Setting Management
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- 17 replies
http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/29123 There's a letter in the May edition of Early Years Educator concerning the above petition from Jenny Barber, Early Years Consultant and trainer in London. The DfE Surestart Grant given to local authorities was ring fenced and thus used for the purpose in which it was intended i.e. supporting our youngest children and families, by providing quality affordable childcare, children centres, raising the quality of the workforce, narrowing the gap and early intervention. This grant has been replaced by the EIG and the ring fence has been removed. Local authorities are now not using it for the purpose to which it was intend…
- 7 replies
Hi I have 3 positions to advertise for September start (all additional no one leaving), can anyone tell me if there is an average pay scale for early years practitioners anywhere. I have looked on essex early years job site and no one advertises the salaries! We are based in Essex. Many thanks Kris
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11653, -
by Guest- 3 replies
As I am due 2 inspections very soon after the new EYFS comes into play I am asking for any help with planning /record keeping you may have come up with for then.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 10 replies
We have one of our children who will be eligible for funding at the start of the autumn term. Her parents have decided to keep her with us for 2 sessions and send her to the setting local to the school she will attend for the other 3 sessions. What will I need to do in order to make the link between the 2 settings? Do I need to do a transistion summary before she moves? Am I right in thinking she will have 2 learning journey's, trackers, 2 lots of progress summaries etc? or do we get together to do them? Should I invite them to visit her in our setting during the summer term? This is all very knew to me and I am a bit confused??? Help please
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 14 replies
Hi Today one of our little boys came in to the setting quite upset adn screaming when mum left. His key worker went over to try and comfort him and he told her his foot was hurting and was holding his foot. She told me and I went over to try and calm him down and he looked at me, stopped crying and said "mummy hurt my foot" i said "oh dear" and he then hit the wall and said "she smacked me like this and shouted". He was still holding his foot all the time he was talking to me. He said he wanted his mummy I then said mummy will be back soon and he proceeded to screaming again. The child's key worker also said that she noticed a bruise on this child's ear but when she …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19326, -
- 1 reply
Does anyone have a sample contract, especially for a senco role in a setting? I have a colleague who supports a setting where she lives and would like to know what is usual. Cx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 2 replies
Hi We've received a written complaint regarding the behaviour of one of little boys, who may have underlying needs, towards a little girl, saying that she has been hit twice by the little boy. This is a new experience for me, I'm completing the PSLA template for recording complaints and don't know how to answer this question. This is I believe just for our records at the moment unless of course the parent decides to make a compliant to Ofsted. I know the child was hit on one occasion. In asking the question is there an actual or perceived risk to the child? Should I answer yes or no, what risk are they referring to? Yes the child is at risk of being hit or pushe…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
Do You Buy Coffee? 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 46 replies
Hello all, Not a very important post but would appreciate any comments. Just wondering if any pre-school settings provide coffee for staff etc? We as a setting have had our coffee, tea and sugar brought for many years and now it looks it may be stopped and asking the team to purchase their own coffee because the pre-school puchase out of the weekly bugdet 'Gold Blend' coffee. Coffee goes on the list about every 2 weeks and there are 9 employee so the pre-school spends around £7 every two week for coffee and sugar and we hardly ever buy tea bags as only 2 of the ladies drink tea and its last quite a while. We dont have drinks like hot chocolate. Befor…
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Hi Now again we have parents coming in to say that children have not wiped themselves cleanly when going to the toilet and came home with dried on pooh on their bottoms or pants. How do you manage this? We have a toileting schedule in the toilets noting children's toileting needs ie nappies, toilet training etc, however, once they are independent they are are removed from the list. If they regress in any way they are of course monitored again. If a parent brings to our attention that the child is not clean, we add the child back to our schedule and endeavour to discreetly monitor the child at key times ie after snack or lunch. We also quietly ask the ch…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 3 replies
Help!! The council have really messed up our planning application for our new nursery building. It was supposed to be through by 5th April but the guy dealing with it left and it has now been passed on to someone else. Last week we were told that i would be a week to 10 days and yesterday we got a letter asking us for a travel plan, something they should have asked us for during the first 3 weeks of consultation. Has anybody had to write one of these before? I seriously need help, getting so stressed out and panicking that we won't get the builders in in time to open in September, aghhhhh!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390,