Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
No Contact From Bank Staff
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all Well before I contact ACAS (again!) just wondered what you thought of my situation. A relief staff member didnt turn up for his morning shift 2 weeks ago (he had been given a copy of the rota before hand, manager had even text him to remind him and he replied saying ok). There was no contact from him as to why he did not turn up. Manager has tried mobile phone, home number (lives with his brothers- left message), plus also called his mum and dad (he is 17yrs). Messages left to call asap. Still nothing. As chair I wrote a letter and delivered it asking if there was some reason for this could he please contact me in confidence asap, . This was last week and …
- 2 replies
I need help with staff appraisals. It's the first time I have done one and would love to find a good template to use. Does anyone have one? Thank you Also new to this site!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_40652, -
Paying Staff To Attend Courses
by Guest- 4 replies
Heres another one for you, im a roll at the mo hehehehe I need to put something in writing (into staff handbook, maybe even a policy) about staff being paid for attending courses e.g. NVQs etc and was wondering if anyone has anything in place that i could have look through to know where I should is start. Would be good to see if other settings actually have a policy for this, e.g. if staff member leaves do they have to pay back money the preschool has paid out? or do you not pay them? Thanks again, i really do not know what i would do without this site, its fab!!
- 2 replies
We are getting closer and closer to getting our new building for our nursery. Our architect has been in and drawn up the plans and I'm imagining room layouts in my sleep! The only sticking point is that the company we are going to lease the building from do not know how much to charge us and to be honest I have no idea what it should be. Currently we are very lucky to pay £400 a month including bills and that is term time 8.30 to 3.30 for a maximum of 40 children a session. Our new premises are much bigger, and I think we'll be able to have 86 children and we'll be open 8 to 6, throughout the year. So, does anyone here own a nursery as big as that and know …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_390, -
Doing Supervisions
by Guest- 1 follower
- 9 replies
Hi, I was wondering if some of you experienced practitioners out there could help me with staff supervisions. We are a small private preschool with 5 members of staff and I have never done formal staff observations of any type, however I am wondering if I am missing an opportunity to acknowledge good practice and prehaps help staff with any areas they may be finding difficult. I need to now how often they are done?, are they done with notice to the staff member or unannounced?, how do you ensure that the staff member doesn't feel she is being checked up on (or is the point that she is!), should it be at a planned activity or during free play?, how do you feedback? i.e…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
- 6 replies
Help need your advice! We are hoping to celebrate the Queen's Jubilee later this year with the children. My dilemma is we presently have over 60 children on our register spread out throughout the week with children attending a variety of sessions, but are only registered for 30 at each session. Has anyone had the same situation and how did you do it. Will Ofsted allow you to do one off events for days like these if you contact them? obviously checking with our Insurers too and having all staff in. Thoughts anyone? Oops i have realised i have posted this in the wrong section could someone move this for me please. Many Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 12 replies
Hello, I have a new committee this year and some of them are worried about personal liability. Does anyone have any experience of CIO and the pros and cons please?
Book Suggestions
by Guest- 2 replies
A basic -explaning the EYFS and ideas for (dare I say it topics) activities, putting the fun back into pre school. NEW IDEAS -I am getting stale
Last reply by AnonyMouse_705, -
What Is An Oohl?
by Guest Spiral- 14 replies
Spiral here, just wondering whether anyone can help me find out what an OOHL is? I know that our County Council like to abbreviate everything, but it's gone too far. January seems to be audit month and we've been sent a number of them. They ask questions about; Eal, Eya, Sen, Ota, Besd, Ecers, Iters, Pl, Sef, Sacers, Lac, Cl, Aen, Sef, Chin, Senco,Sip and Scag, but I don't know what an Oohl is.....I could write a comedy sketch about this. Thank heavens I'm not new to the job - I'd really struggle with all of these abbreviations and a lack of clear explanations. Spiral :rolleyes: :( :wacko:
- 10 replies
I would love to start one up but no idea how to. I've come across "weebly" but not really sure what to put where lol. Does anyone have one that they could give me the link to to see what sort of thing they do please?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,