Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 1 reply
I was just wondering whether anyone has a subscription to Early Years Update and if so can you recommend it. I am considering taking out a subscription but would appreciate feedback on whether it is a useful publication. Thanks!
National Insurance
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all Have been visited by LEA and been to see local accountant today. All very positive. School club is healthy apart from the holiday club when numbers come crashing down. Have to decide how to make it so that this doesnt make a loss either by not offering or by increasing costs dramatically...still thinking that one through! LEA man said as it is we are far too cheap and should have been increasing our fees every year even though we are covering all the costs. Accountant says I need to get cash flow forecast done to give to bank if I decide to go futher. Very difficult to do when the number of bookings varies each month and hence the numbers of staff chang…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30128, -
Revised Parents Poster
by Guest lucyevans- 21 replies
http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/Ofsted-home/Forms...anguage)/eng-GB Poster has been updated to show the new Manchester office address
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
- 1 reply
Hi everyone Please could you tell me what you have in your emergency evacuation log/fire log book? Or does someone have a sheet or log book they could share? Thanks Beehive
New Nursery Opening In September
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, I'm opening a nursery in September (very scary and exciting) and was wondering if anyone had some suggestions for marketing? We have so far placed ads in local papers/magazines, leafleted the area, gone to mother and toddler groups and had open days and stay and play mornings. Once parents come and see the nursery they seem to love it, it's just getting them here in the first place that we're finding difficult! Any help would be much appreciated.
- 13 replies
I have a member of staff who has done a few things that really worry me. When she was in her first year with us she had one of her key children round to her house (she didn't know her outside of work) which then led to a very awkward situation with the child and the mother. Obviously I told her that this was not something that should have happened and, to protect herself as well as the playgroup, it should not happen again. I did think that it was just a mistake made by someone new to the job and that she had learnt her lesson from it. However, she has now told me that she has been socialising with another parent of a keychild this year. All this is always admitted mont…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
From Sessions To All Day
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi, our preschool is currently open 5 mornings and two afternoons. we are thinking of opening all day on the monday and friday. how do we go about this, what are the implicaitons for staff having lunch etc..are there a maximum number of hours we can open for/children can stay for? any help greatly appreciated..x
- 9 replies
i was informed today by a committee member, that from 2012 an ofsted inspector will not be able to give any setting they inspect a good or above if a level 5 or above is not employed in the setting. we were recently inspected and given a rating of good - we do not emply any L5 staff and cannot afford to train anyone up, or employ someone at that level - does this mean the next time we are inpsected we will not be able to acheive a rating of good soley because we do not have a L5 ??? if anyone can direct me to some solid evidence of this i would be very, very grateful xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
Motivating Staff
by Guest- 5 replies
I know all the theory to motivating staff but need some practical ideas!! I feel we're in a rut, we've had a year of loads of children, who all very independant and it's suited our setting to have a relaxed free play environment, this has stretched out and rather than being free play with structured activities at times, the sessions is almost all free play with activities there is the children wish to access them, from September we have less children and I would like to structure the session much more, the problem is that we've had changes to staffing in this last year so this will be new to them (they are also new to child care). Has anyone got any practical idea…
- 7 replies
Should have been such a happy memorable day but feel like I've had the day from hell!! Had a call this morning from a future parent who shouted and complained for 20 minutes on the phone, child was due to start 2 days a week in March this year, mum rang week before and changed to 1 day a week then on start day mum called and said wanted September instead! All paperwork in place etc for this child but grinned and beared it! Then called after Easter saying she now didn't want September but Easter 2012 when child is funded (typical scenario!), told mum she would need to complete a new application form as old one had so many changes on it! Never received back new application…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396,