Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
Creche Staff
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Can anyone tell me -what qualifications creche staff must have? -what is the staffing ratios in creches? -who are creches accountable to? Thank you Carmen
- 2 replies
Does anyone know if there is a topic resource on here for Nursery rhymes? Have done a search but loasds and loads of posts come up because of the word Nursery! Anyone help with Nursery rhyme topic? x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
- 21 replies
I am the manager of committee led preschool and my new chair person is really getting her teeth into every aspect of the preschool which is fantastic. She has been asking questions about being members of the PSLA and why we are and what the advantages are and I am afraid to say I can't actually think of any. Would any of you lovely people mind telling me if you are or are not members and your reasons for it...we seem to spend a lot of time and effort keeping them happy without very much in return and I am interested to hear what people think of them.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Peer Mentoring
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, am in the process of implementing a peer mentoring system across the Preschool. I've got the peer observation sorted but am struggling a bit with putting together a format the team can use for focusing their meetings/discussion. What do you think should be included, recorded etc. or even better, does anyone have any templates I could addapt?!?!?!
- 5 replies
Am looking for opinions on this as I wonder what you all do if you are in the same position as me. We are a charity run preschool which is run from the gorunds of a primary school. The trustees are made up of school govenors, head teacher and head of early years ( Head teacher is registered person of the preschool). I am the preschool manager who runs the preschool entirely other than pay wages which is done through the school system.. I have been told today after a heated debate regarding a certain issue that actually I do not run the preschool !!!! it is run by the registered person!!! trying to hold back as I was ready to say stick your job!!! but I actual…
- 7 replies
My pre-school is in a class room of a primary school, they have just appointed a new KS1 teacher who is something of a early years expert (written books/works with LEA/FD lecturer ect ect), after a conversation she said that if we ever wanted any help/advice she would be happy to help. Now I really want to "use" her, i think she could maybe spot areas of weakness for us and I think her advice would be benefitical. my problem is how to use her (iykwim) She is usually in class whilst pre-school in session, however one day she works half day so she could come in for an hour before end of session. I wondered about asking her to do a fake ofsted inspection, but think sh…
- 5 replies
Last February we had a 2yr old join the group who's behaviour was a danger to other children. After several conversations with a very agressive and un-cooperative parent to try to resolve the issues, she withdrew her child. She also left the Committee and left a trail of verbal distruction behind her within the setting and on the school playground next door! I had previous dealings with this parent when i approached her two years previously about her son's behaviour, but again, received verbal abuse and threats! (incidently, her son was later diagnosed with ADD). I cannot believe that she has asked if she can 'try again' and re-enrol her son within our setting. I am tr…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
Retirement Age On Contracts
by Guest- 10 replies
We're just about to issue contracts to new staff members. I have a vague memory that we can't include an official retirement age anymore (it specifies 65 years). Is that something still in the pipeline or has it become law or am I fantasising? Thanks!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
by Guest- 6 replies
Last night my committee went on a training course and now they are eager to make changes. Now that might be a good thing but after previous committees I am a little wary. They particularly want to take on financial control and that was a huge disaster a few years ago when a committee member was in control of the money. Since then we have managed it in house and things have been fine. One point they tell me was mentioned at the course was that Ofsted would be disappointed if the finances were not shared more with the committee. Does anyone know if this is true? I have always understood that the business side of things was not really something they would look into. What…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21338, -
- 12 replies
Hi We are looking to introduce rolling snack to our setting, at present all the children sit down together but as our numbers have grown this is becoming very time consuming!! I am hoping that there is a lovely setting out there who already uses rolling snack and who would be so kind as to let me come and view how rolling snack works for you!! We are based in Ongar, happy to travel!! (Chelmsford, harlow etc!) Thank You!! Kris
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418,