Early Years Setting Management
4,219 topics in this forum
- 20 replies
Hello, hoping some of you lovely people may have some advice or experience. We are a committee run pre-school, as far as we can see there are no benefits for us to have charitable status. Quite the contrary in fact, getting committees together is a nightmare and quite frankly for the increasing work load and leagsl responsibilities of committees I am not surprised. We have heard about Community interest companies and feel this is a far better way for pre-schools like ours to operate. Staff can be directors alongside a couple of devoted volunteers. Our stumbling block is, due to being a very busy setting we have managed to bank a fair bit of cash and as we understand it …
by Guest- 7 replies
I am not on here enough nowadays and feel that I am forever trying to find time to catch up ....I wanted to ask whether everyone is still working towards the government aim of everyone being a level three by 2015 (?)..... I keep receiving information about funded training and need to be in a position to encourage a couple of colleagues who are level 2, I currently have 2 level three's, myself (BA(hons EYElevel 5-6), 3 level two's and one unqualified member of staff - I really need a push for one particular level 2 who seems to flout any system we have with non-belief and the attitude that you dont need qualifications -she did the level 2 reluctantly and I fe…
- 1 follower
- 2 replies
Hi We def need to register with an agency and need to do it asap Does anyone know of any that are reasonabele price in the Tyne and Wear area please?
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
Paid For Courses?
by Guest- 20 replies
Hi, I am on a pre-school committee at my son's PS. Three staff recently spent 12 hours over 2 Saturdays doing first aid training. Would you expect to be paid for that? Or would you say the qualification is of benefit to you personally if you were to look for another job? Or pay half? Any wise words?
- 6 replies
Hi Sorry feel like all's I do is ask questions lol We currently have no handbook for staff/helpers or volunteers in place and depsite repeated attempts to get the committee to do it it has fallen on me Can anyone provide me a quick list of what to include please? Don't want to miss anything out but got too much on my mind to think straight right now Any help would be greatly appreciated please Sarah
Last reply by AnonyMouse_30147, -
Interview Questions - Student
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all Just wondered if you can come up with some interview questions. Its for a student that will be working for the club as relief staff ie holidays, sickness as and when required. He has experience of babysitting, has 2 younger siblings. Just need to know what to ask him without daunting him too much! Thanks.
Suitable Persons Interview!
by Guest- 14 replies
Just booked my "Suitable persons interview" with Ofsted for next week and had a sudden panic about what they are going to ask? Any ideas or experiences of what questions they ask you?x
- 29 replies
dear All I have a meeting tomorrow to discuss temporary premises for us for next year and they have just asked me how much rent i am expecting to pay!! i was tempted to say a big fat £0000000! but they might not go for that would anyone be willing to tell me how much you pay. It would be sole use (with garden...very overgrown) we are in berkshire so an expensive area. They are expecting us to pay the bills. Thanks in advance! p.s. we are PVI sessional pre-school
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7120, -
Ey Essential
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi there, I'm considering purchasing EY essentials software package from the preschool learning alliance to manage my preschool bookings, registers etc. Has anyone used this package? I'd be really interested to know how you find it and whether you feel it meets your needs. Many thanks!
- 4 replies
We went to a presentation yesterday about the Superfox record-keeping system. Our county has bought it and every setting will be given it to use, free of charge. It looked very simple and easy to use. I think it's going to be very useful for us, but wondered if anyone else is using it and if so, what do you think of it? Any extra-special good points? any glitches/pitfalls?we get our disc next week, as there was a fault on the batch the presenter brought with him ( Nice chap, looked like Philip Schofield........................I kep expecting to be asked to challenge the cube!) and then we get a newer, updated version in March, with regular updates, for ever. Anything that…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19733,