Early Years Setting Management
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- 12 replies
Wish me luck off to AGM tonight lets see how many lovelies make the effort to come out on a cold wet dreary night to elect a new committee.
- 10 replies
Hi Just wanted to ask how long people spend a week on their learning Jouneys on average? I have one member of staff who spent 9 hours on 3 books last week!! I allow my staff 1hour 20 minutes a week paid non contact but this member of staff is saying it's not enough! I have spoken to other staff one has admitted she spends a long time (decorates each page etc etc!), I do have key children and have found 10 minutes a week on each book is fine! So just wanted to ask am I giving them enough time, at present they have 8 children each. Kris
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
- 4 replies
Hi all, Hope someone can give me some help or advice. I've just recieved a letter inviting me to an interview for a place on the early years P.G.C.E. I'm really excited but also a bit apprehensive , as I really really want a place, I have worked so hard to get this far. Its a four part interview that consists of 20 minute tests in maths, english and science, a group interview, in which will will watch a video clip of someone teaching then we have to reflect and comment on it in groups and the 2 interviewers will record our interactions and responses. Next we will have to make a 2 minute presentation on which we can expect to answer questions and finally a 10 mi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_32697, -
- 19 replies
Hi, it's been quite some years since we have had twins in our pre-school. However, next Sept. looks like two sets will be joining us. Just wondered really how other pre-schools manage twins, I have offered parents for the children to come on different mornings to begin with, both sets have said no, they want them in on the same mornings, (quite understandable), but what about key persons - one set of twins are identical boys, the other boy+girl. Would make sense for parent to have one person to communicate with, however, particularly with the boy twins I am concerned that they do not turn into a generic "the twins", rather than being individuals. Any thoughts?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
Refunding Nvq Fees
by Guest jenpercy- 4 replies
now that subsidised NVQs for over 25s are disappearing - have you ever had a clause about repayment if leaving, or have you given staff incentives over time for those in training etc
- 8 replies
we are a pack away group and found completeing learning journeys during session time impossible so we used to take them home but as of september we agreed that they shouldnt leave the setting I allocated a time at the end of sessions allowing each member an hour per week none contact time to go and fill in the learning journeys, but no one wants to stop behind a minute longer than their normal session. I did however take mine home at the very start of term to ensure they were fully up to date (I asked the parents permission first) and another member of staff who was returning from maternity leave took hers home once over night to get up to speed on her key group whi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 5 replies
Hi guys, I've decided that i need to start making an official record of my little "chats" with the staff. Its started to get frustrating repeating myself over and over to the same people, so i want a form that has space for recording what the discussion was about, the area of cover, the outcome of the discussion and maybe a little action plan. I was wondering if anyone had anything similar that they already use before i re-invent the wheel? Thanks, Ali x
- 20 replies
Dear all.....any advise..... Despite many letters (and updates in childrens daily diaries/in person), parents still forget to bring nappies/wipes in for their child before they run out. When this happens, we have no option but to borrow nappies from another child’s supply, thereby leaving those children short. When the parent does bring in a supply (and we have replaced what we have borrowed) they end up with no nappies again....and so the cycle begins again I don't want to supply nappies due to the enormous variety of preference that parents have for nappies (in different makes, shapes, sizes and in some cases to suit sensitive skin) and we don't have space to …
- 5 replies
I have recently seen somehwere the different objectives needed for each of the RAG JUDGEMENTS I.E red, amber green criterias. Can anyone help me and point me in the right direction to find it again. Not sure where I gound it maybe not on here. smiles
Uniform - Need A Good Supplier
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi, does anyone have a good, cheap supplier of named uniform, i.e. polo shirts and sweatshirts printed with our setting's name on it. I have done a quick google but am confused by the mass of options available. We just want printed rather than embroidered. We would like to keep the cost down so we don't have to charge parents too much.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,